Chapter 12: A Very Mari Slip-up

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"Okay, Adrien, how about a kiss? Make it sexy," The photographer said.

On Monday, the weather was bad again, so they were doing some semi-formal shots indoors. Adrien was in a dress shirt and slacks, and the two models were both wearing some semi-formal dresses. As soon as Pierre suggested a kiss, both of the models started fighting over who would kiss him, and Adrien just rolled his eyes. "Actually, Pierre, I'd rather not."

The two girls looked shocked. Pierre and his crew seemed shocked. "Adrien, it's not like you to be... such a... how do you say, prima donna? It's just a kiss, for the photoshoot."

Adrien scratched his neck and looked away nervously. "Yea, but there's this girl I'm seeing..."

A few gasps sounded around him. 

"You have a girlfriend? I thought you were gay," one of the models said with a thick accent. She was the one that had given him her number the first day of the shoot. And she had been fighting just moments ago over whether or not she would be the one to kiss him. 

"Um... thanks, but I'm not," Adrien said, not liking the vibe he was getting from the model. "Pierre, I'm going to take another break."

As he walked off the set, he turned on his phone and within a minute he got a text from Nino.

Nino: Dude, who's your girlfriend? People are freaking out here at school.

Adrien: Well. Um... Soon-to-be girlfriend. I haven't talked to her about it yet.

Nino: That's some confidence you got there, bro. How does that even happen?

Adrien: It's complicated. And people have a way of blowing things out of proportion.

Nino: Well you should probably talk with Mari. She's one of the people freaking out here.

Adrien almost dropped his phone. Of course with his luck, one tiny statement would end up exaggerated and posted online for everyone in the world to see, including the girl he was falling for himself. It would be just his luck she got her phone back as soon as a statement about him spun out of control. He tried calling, but it only went to voicemail. Then he texted Mari.

Adrien: You want to go to lunch somewhere? I should be back in town in a few hours.

She didn't respond, but the text said read so he knew she saw it. Which was something?

Adrien quickly booked a flight, as he ordered a cab and packed up his bag. He wished he could just use the Pegasus's powers again, but he knew that the purple formula was hard to come by. Since Gabriel closely monitored his son's credit cards and all of his monetary spending, Adrien probably had only a few hours before his father realized what he was doing. He'd be furious with Adrien for leaving in the middle of a job, but Adrien didn't care what his father said anymore. He'd quit if he had to.


On Monday morning Mari had gone to class just like she had normally done, which was about five minutes late. Alya turned and whispered to her friend, "Marinette, did you text him back yet?"

Mari shook her head. It was Chloe's turn to do her Senior Project and she had chosen to do it on herself. It was obvious that Sabrina had done all the work, so Mari didn't feel guilty for playing with her phone while Chloe started her presentation. She looked at her phone and read all of the texts again. Adrien had sent several texts while she was grounded:

Adrien: Good morning

Adrien: How's class? Is it weird to say I miss school already?

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