4 - Love is Traitorous

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Everybody, this chapter is dedicated to @just_another_ex_love ! I believe you were the first to really binge-read LiL. That was basically all I ever wanted to achieve with my writing, to get people so hooked they can't put it down. Thank you for all your votes and support! Love you! <3

Pst! Also, Life is Liz recently reached 11k reads eek!!


Sunny rays of warmth were sneaking through the curtains in my room, filling every dark corner with a light orange hue. Mother nature was a freaking traitor and the sun-her favorite child-executing the knife that was stuck in my back, slicing through skin like butter.


No hesitation.

Without regret.

Only I was the one to feel the cruelty of it all.

But the sun had only followed its orders from its mother, the authority figure in her life, nature. Strangely wasn't that also what Sam had done? Following orders without questioning his trusted superior?

Only Sam hadn't trusted Maxx and the team from the beginning. Had known them only for a short amount of time before he fell victim to their tyranny. Only that to be a victim you are left without choices. And Sam had had a choice. He could have refused. Instead, he acted like a mindless soldier, not considering the impact his mission would have on every person involved.
Unlike the sun, Sam had done Maxx' bidding out of fear not out of loyalty to an undisputed leader.

A heavy exhale escaped me as I burrowed further into my blankets. The light of the day so unlike my current mood. But could I blame the sun for shining, because her light hadn't yet been dimmed by darkness? It was unfair of her to light my shadowy reality when all I wanted was for a gloomy day so the world would feel what I was feeling. However, wasn't it equally unfair of me to beg her happy rays to stop shining when it was only me that felt foggy shadows. No, it was unjust to bring her down into the dark with me.

I nudged the selfish thoughts away when a knock on my door sounded in my four walls of safety. Brushing a quick hand over my features and sitting up against the headboard of my bed I ushered them inside.

The door opened and Ryan's head popped into my room. "Hey," he greeted me softly, a small smile adorning his face. "Your mom let me in."

It'd been two days since the truth was revealed to me. Two days in which school was the only reason for my form to crawl out of its cave. Unable to muster up enough compassion to act as a mediator between players, I skipped football practice and canceled appointments with teammates. My mind was too full of thoughts and memories and indifference to focus on other problems.

"Can I sit?" He gestured to my bed.

I scooted over to make space for him on the right. We'd come a long way in our friendship. Whereas I was reluctant to share a bed with him, in the beginning, I now trusted him fully to accomplish comfort in his presence.

He mirrored my position and stretched his long legs out on my comforter, back against the headboard.

"What have you been up to?"

A wave of shame swept over me at our conversation. What he would think of me if I told him all I had done was lying around. I shrugged.

"Read a book?"

"No." I couldn't bear to link happiness to me in any way.

Ryan's gaze burned through the skin on my temple. "Jo called me."

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