38. Relationship Status

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Even thought Fifth Year ended on a nasty kink, Barbara still thought it was one of her best years yet. She had two jobs, was able to get Umbridge fired for being a teacher, and made sure Snape couldn't hurt Lily again. Her Vampirism had improved with her lessons from Angel, who had truly become a sister to her rather than estranged like Valerie had become.

The Kingdom was still on heavy lockdown because the majority of the Vampires still wanted to fight, which side remained to be seen. Barbara slowly came to terms with Valerie's reasonings– no one was to fight on either side, so as to remain neutral and no deaths of the small population of Vampires would come to– but that didn't mean she liked it.

Out of all the role models Barbara had in her life, the one who was supposed to guide her in the Vampire Kingdom had chosen to lock herself up as well. Angel, Barbara could see, was slowly becoming sick due to not being able to return to the Kingdom. Barbara learned that, contrary to what she had thought before, that the longer you're exposed to the Kingdom you become a part of it. It took years for the affect of needing to go to the kingdom to evolve in oneself, which was why Angel slowly felt the effects.

As a young Royal outside of the Kingdom, Barbara had a tough job. Angel was tasked to represent the Vampires in the Ministry; and she always needed Barbara to help her navigate nearly everywhere. Even though Angel had been outside the Kingdom for a while, that didn't mean she was used to the Wizarding World. Barbara, having to help her parents a lot more in their older age, knew the Wizarding World almost better than anybody.

James, since he wasn't a part of the Kingdom, was left to care for Fleamont and Euphemia at home, with Sirius right by his side. The Potters, being older, meant that they were more susceptible to diseases. And with Fleamont still being a potioneer, a job he declared he would take to the grave, made bringing diseases into the house easy. When Barbara was out getting different ingredients for him, she made sure that she always bought new safety gear for him to wear and always had healing potions in standby. They decided that summer that Angel would quit her job in Hogsmede and become a nurse for the Potters because she couldn't contract or bring illnesses that would effect wizards.

Barbara, even though she was an Auror, decided to switch her focus in Hogwarts to being a Medi-Wizard. She explained to Mad-Eye that she wasn't quitting her job, she just wanted to be prepared for her parents. Since he knew of their condition and how much Fleamont had contributed to Aurors, Moody let it slide. Instead, he told Barbara about how her sentiment might get the best of her, and should focus on constant vigilance rather than be distracted. "Let nature take her course, Potter." He always told her as gently as a growling honey badger.

Indeed, she felt sentiment her the best of her the more she thought of her family and friends. The Wizard War on the horizon was inevitable, and she just hoped that nobody would be seriously affected by it. Voldemort was becoming a big enough name in the news that Barbara finally learned how to pronounce his name properly. Instead of calling him "No-Nose Vols," she learned "The Dark Lord" was the common name those who feared– and appreciated him– called him. The only thing Barbara feared, however, wasn't someone with no nose, but someone with a nose and piercing grey eyes.

Sirius, Barbara, and James got past what happened on one of the last days of their Fifth Year. It seemed that every time the Royal tried to be mad at the boys, she couldn't help but forgive them after their apologies. Sirius, she could tell, knew she had a special place in her heart for him; but he seemed to have one for Barbara as well. The duo hadn't acknowledged their kiss yet; but they both knew that time was running out for them, especially when there was a dinner coming up that involved the two of them, Lily, and two other nightmarish-guests.

Lily sent Barbara a Howler after she learned that Barbara had invited Petunia and Vernon to dinner during the summer. She knew her best friend was crazy– but she didn't know the Royal was insane! However, she was more astounded that the duo said yes than she was when Barbara sent the invitation.

Barbara had to reassure Lily through multiple letters that everything was perfectly planned out. The Potters and Evans were going out for a nice dinner whilst the kids are at dinner together. James knew he was going to be kicked out by Lily anyway, and instead had planned with Peter and Remus to spend the night together.

With the night being tomorrow, Dippy, Trixie, and the Hogwarts students helped make dinner for everybody while Angel was spending a night in the Ministry, no doubt planning something with the Ministry for Vampire coalitions or safe houses.

It was going to be a fun night, indeed.

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