22.1 Hogsmede with Lockhart

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Barbara woke up early that Saturday with a pillow being thrown at her. She groaned, the sunlight hitting her eyes. "Lily, nooit me wakker! You know I'm not a morning peson!"

"What does that even mean?" Barbara heard Lily ask from somewhere in the room. Keeping in mind that her date was that day, Barbara slowly got up from her bed and went to shower.

"It means 'never wake me up' in Dutch, Lils. Now leave me alone while I shower."

After her refreshing shower, Lily came up to Barbara and demanded to see what she was planning on wearing to the date. "You know," she said, "I haven't really thought that far ahead. Go through my stuff and go crazy, Lily. You're far better at this than I am."

"Yes! That's all I've been wanting to hear you say! Your sense of style with Muggle clothing can be a bit off, you know?"

Barbara scoffed, "It's not like I'm known for being a fashionista, Lily. Give me a break."

"Yikes, someone's a bit nasty in the morning... like she hasn't been for the past three years." Marlene commented dryly.

"Ugh, you're right, sorry Lily."

"It's okay, Barb. It's all in good fun, Marlene. It's just hard to tell with that one in the mornings." Lily joked.

"Anyways," Barbara coughed awkwardly, "let's pick out an outfit. I like the idea of cute and comfortable."

"That's all I own, Marly."

"Okay, so then go for whatever. He's a really nice guy, it's not like he's going to judge you based on your looks. That's Black's job anyways."

The girls laughed as Barbara picked out her outfit. She hoped the days would live up to her expectations.

Once the girls were done dressing, they went down the stairs leading up to their dorms. Barbara noticed a few of the Gryffindor boys staring at the three girls; so her lion decided to make an appearance.

"GET SOMETHING ELSE TO LOOK AT!" She yelled go the guys. They all went back to what they were doing, their faves turning as red as the Gryffindor emblem. Once the trio were out of the portrait hole, Lily and Marlene started laughing.

"Way to be subtle." Lily said in between laughter. Barbara smirked and took a dramatic bow.

"I do try to compete as a drama queen with my brother; so thank you."

Barbara was surprised she ran into her brother by the entrance of Hogwarts, expecting him to be sound asleep. "What are you doing up so early?"

James and his friends walked over towards the girls. "Just wanted to see my sister off... and give a warning to Lockhart."

She frowned. "James, I'm a big girl now. No need to get all 'big brother' on Gilderoy. His reputation is way better than your best mate's." Barbara made sure to give a pointed look to Sirius, who didn't even acknowledge her insult. Instead, he was sulking and standing on the edge of the circle of friends.

"I know. But I also came to ask a question to Lily-"


"No? You didn't even know what I was about to-"

"-You were going to ask me to Hogsmede like you have been for the past year, Potter. My answer isn't going to change, even when we're Sixth Years."

"Ouch." Marlene muttered to Barbara. She nodded her head in response.

Barbara loved James; and she also loved Lily. The problem was their relationship with each other. Barbara hated watching her brother's heart break every day but she also hated the fact that he wouldn't leave her best friend alone. She was hoping they would at least be friends before they graduated.

She was pulled out of her thoughts by a hand gently resting on her shoulder. Barbara turned to see her days looking as dashing as ever, his blue eyes twinkling with excitement. "Hey."

"Hey. Are you ready?"

"Sure. Let's just get going before my brother notices we're gone."

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