2. Hell

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~4 years later~

"Get up, bitch!"

It had been four years since Barbara Potter smiled, laughed, or thought happy thoughts. The man that had kidnapped her thoroughly enjoyed watching the young girl squirm, scream, and cry as he crucioed her nearly every hour of the day. Barbara knew that what she experienced was wrong; but it was impossible for her to escape. After learning the consequences are far worse than the first time she tried, she stopped altogether.

"Coming, Master." Even though she was eight, she knew how undermining and dehumanizing calling her kidnapper "master" was; but unless she wanted to be raped again, she had no other choice.

"Hurry up!" He bellowed, a slight quiver in his voice which she immediately picked up on. It made her scared, however, because it meant that he would be on edge. Her beating would be unavoidable today, then.

She quickly rushed down the stairs, noticed her kidnapper, and kissed his feet. It was what she had to do every morning for the past four years; and she was convinced that it was because he had low self esteem. But she didn't dare say that to him because the last time she snapped at him, she didn't eat for a week.

"Today is a special day. It's the exact day I rescued you from your household. So I figured I would make this day extra special for the two of us." His face twisted into an evil smile.

Now she was scared.

Kill me now. The first thought they had entered her mind after the torture were those three words. She couldn't help but cry in pain, knowing that she didn't deserve such treatment. Her kidnapper, however, was happily humming to himself as he zipped up his pants and went into the kitchen to make himself some lunch.

"Having fun, bitch?" He asked her from the kitchen, and began laughing to himself. He tossed a piece of a sandwich on the floor towards her; and she sprinted to it, ignoring her pain, and scarfed it down quickly. Barbara knew that she probably should have saved it; but it had been too long since the last time she ate and she needed the nutrients.

"You know what? I want to hurt some Muggles today; so I guess today is your lucky day, bitch. You know what happens if you try to escape." Barbara gulped as he grinned at her with his yellow, out of place teeth.

Later that day, the heavy door was slammed open to reveal the kidnapper in a crazed state.

"Mr. Master, s-sir, ca-can I get y-you some-something?" She asked, panicking about his behavior. She had never seen him so flustered before, and was terrified of the punishment for her stuttering.

"What did I tell you about stuttering you worthless piece of shit!?" He seethed at the little girl. She ran to the other side of the house, trying to hide; but he was hot on her trail with the whip she feared more than the midnight torture.

"Spread your legs and arms! Stand up straight and if you yell out in pain I'll double the number of lashes!" She quickly obeyed, not wanting to make matters worse.

After what seemed like forever, she had blacked out as another crack of the whip made its way to her back. He apparated away just as she passed out, hoping to have a head start on the Ministry.

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