《 Preperations 》

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10 minutes till expedition begins.

The 56th Expedition was about to begin. Today, the Survey Corps.would be leaving through the southern edge of Wall Rose, or more known as the Trost District. We normally use this exit because it's closest to the breach in Wall Maria. It was a nice day to add too.

"I'm gunna get four solo kills this expedition" Petra says with a determined look.

"Wow that's double the amount you were going for last time" I comment.

"Yup! I totally achieved that goal so now I gotta set the bar higher" She exclaimed proudly. I smile fondly at my friend. I admire her determination and desire to keep going despite what happens.

"Tch, stop messing around brats" I look to see Olou. Sometimes it really just bothers me when he acts like Levi, oh wait he does that all the freaking damn time. I sigh. I didn't complain. He never and probably will never admit it to anyone, but he does it to get Petra's attention. Oluo mistakes her respect for Levi as something else. Little did he know that something else was directed towards him. I could tell him, but I know he can figure it out.

I watch, amused as Petra scolded Olou for acting like Heichou and Olou, well, acting like Heichou. Even more amusing was the part when Olou was going on and on and on on how he was better than Levi. At the same time, his horse had seemed to step on a rock causing him to bite his tongue. I like to to call it the Olou Signature move.

I cover my mouth to stifle my laugh as I watched Olou panic at his bleeding tongue. 'Smooth, Olou' I thought. 'Smoooooth' I continue watching the two (Petra was taking out her handkerchief, obviously concerned) and then I notice Levi who was slightly in front of me. I smile at him and he nods in my direction, the ends of his mouth twitching upward. Cute.

We both break the stare when we hear my name being called.



It took me awhile to find the owners of the familiar voices, but I soon see them emerge from the crowd.When they make it to the edge, they jog to my horse and then begin to walk beside her.

"Armin!" I exclaim when I see my younger brother. He hasn't changed one bit since I last saw him which was a few months ago. To his left were his two best friends. "And Mikasa and Eren!" I smile at the trio. "I heard you guys are graduating soon! Congratulations guys! I bet you're graduating at the top of your class"

"Mikasa was ranked first and Eren was fifth. I didn't make it in the top ten" Armin admits.

"It's okay, Armin. Being in the top ten is for over-achievers anyways" I teased and stuck my tongue at Eren and Mikasa.

"Hey!" Eren complained.

"But Alenka, weren't you ranked fourth in your year?" Mikasa asks.

"Well true, but-"

"Not true!" Petra butts in the conversation. "I was ranked fourth, you were ranked fifth!"

"Whatever you say" I roll my eyes. "That's my friend ("BEST friend" Petra had corrected me) Petra by the way"

"Hey" Petra smiles at the three. The three both greeted the ginger-haired girl.

"So you're in the Special Operations Squad with Alenka and Levi-heichou?" Eren asked enthusiastically. Petra laughed a little.

"Yup. I'm here to make sure Alenka doesn't do anything stupid" Petra teases.

"Shut up" I roll my eyes a little. "So which branch will the three of you be joining?" I ask.

"The Survey Corps of course" Eren replies with a fierce look of determination.

"I'm joining the Survey Corps as well" Mikasa says softly. Eren gives her an annoyed look.

"Mikasa, with your ranking you can join the Military Police! Why waste your time in the Survey Corps?" Eren rants.

"I have my reasons" Mikasa vaguely answers with a small sigh.

"Not to mention the Military Police is filled with a bunch of lazy pigs" I say in a low voice. Petra hums in agreement.

"I guess" Eren responds with a thoughtful tone.

"What about you Armin?" I turn to him.

"I'm going to join the Survey Corps with them too." I smile at him and mess up his hair too. "Onee-san!" He complains. I laugh. My little brother can be so cute sometimes.

"Following the example of your big sister, huh?" I joke.

"If it helps you sleep at night" He responds. I place my hand over my heart and pretend like his comment hurt. The five of us broke into laughter, catching the attention of the people around us. Once we settled down I spoke more seriously.

"I'll support you in whatever choice you want Armin." He nods and smiles. I look at Eren and Mikasa. "Same goes for you two" They both nod and smile lightly at me.

"OPEN THE GATES" we all turn to see the Commander. Its time.

" Take care you three" I say to them.

"You two, Alenka" Eren said.

"Be careful!" Armin says to which I said I would. The crowd takes a few steps back allowing space for the horses to pass. Or was it fear that their feet would be crushed by the hooves of a passing horse?

By now the gates have been opened. I turn to smile and wave to the trio one last time before focusing my attention ahead of me. I close my eyes for a second and let out a breathe. This is it.

"LET THE 56th EXPEDITION OUTSIDE THE WALLS BEGIN" and with those words from Commander Erwin, we were off.

The moment we passed the gates we split into groups along with our squads. Eld, Gunther, Olou, Petra, and I made our way to Levi, who was going slightly to the right in front of us.

This was it. We were outside the walls now, in dangerous territory. Time to get serious.


Heeeelllooooo lovely readers. I hope you are all doing great. I have no school tomorrow so I'll immediately begin to edit the next chapter.

Take care of yourselves! Byyyyeeeee!!b

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