"Careful, darling, you almost sound jealous."

As they turned the corner, she spun on her heal to face him as they walked. She seriously narrows her eyes at him and spat, "I don't get jealous." Klaus's smirk faltered as his eyes flicker over her head. He grabs Elizandra's arm, halting their trek to the school. She furrows her brows. "What?" She asks him.

"I think I just found your boyfriend." He responds softly. Her heads whips around instantly. It only took her a few seconds to make out the dark figure standing at the edge of the three story building.

"Aidan." She gasps softly. In a blink of an eye she uses her supernatural speed to reach and enter the school.

"El!" Klaus yells, before speeding after her.

He pauses right beside Elizandra on top of the roof where they stood thirty feet from Aidan. His heavy, shaky breaths were audible and his shoulders rose and fell at a quick pace.

"Aidan." Elizandra softly called.

"Elizandra?" He questions. Hope was laced with his frantic tone. Hearing him call her for the first time in years dared to put a smile on her face but seeing him at the brink of death suppressed it. Klaus looks down at Elizandra's face. He sees the way she looks Aidan and the tears daring to fall. She really loved him and it was like it were only the two of them on that roof; nobody else mattered at that moment. "Is that you?" His feet shifted at the slightest as he turned his whole body around. A small loss of friction would send him over. He sighed in relief as his eyes landed on her and despite his current situation he smiles  at her, and she smiles back with a small chuckle.

"It's me," She nods, "Step down from there, Aidan."

He looks down at his feet briefly, "I. . .I can't. I can't. I don't know what's happening to me."

"He's been compelled." Klaus says to Elizandra.

"All I remember is walking to my car after work and," He furrows his brows as he tries to trace back his memories, "then I'm here. I don't know how I — a girl I think."

"It's okay. You're fine now. I'm here." She assured him and her feet carried her forward. Aidan's eyes widen and he shook his head.

"She said you can't get close." He says sadly. His right foot stepped backwards and in a second he was over the edge. Elizandra's hands flew to her mouth and she felt her whole world stop.

"Aidan!" She screams. Frantically, Elizandra whips her head around but Klaus wasn't there. "Klaus?" She sobs. She was now alone on the roof and scared out of her mind. She couldn't bare to look over the edge and see the body of her first love lifeless on the cement. Just the thought of it made her sick to her stomach. She gathered herself and used her super speed to reach the first floor. Her boots caused echos in the dark, empty hall with each step she took. She neared the front double doors of the building and took a deep breath. The doors flew open and she exited. A groan emitted from her left and her head snaps in the direction. Klaus was gripping his right shoulder and snaps it back in place. Aidan was sitting against a tree just a few feet away from Klaus. His head of black curls was disheveled and damp from the rain and he looked terrified out of his mind; but alive, nonetheless.

"Oh my god." Elizandra sighs, and approaches them. Klaus looks up with his mouth agape and his eyes exhausted. Her eyes lock with his as he straightened his arched posture. "You saved him." She softly says. His eyes soften. Elizandra blinks away from their eye contact when Aidan made is presence known again with a grunt as he stood to his feet. "Hey." She assists him. Klaus's eyes fall aimlessly.

"What just happened?" Aidan asks. His hands hold on to her upper arms as if to make sure she was actually there.

"Nothing. You're okay." She wraps her arms around his torso and he returns the hug immediately. Klaus quietly drew in a breath and walks away; unbothered by the heavy rain.

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