A long wait

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Peter frowned as he slowly opened his eyes, squinting in the rising sun... rising?
With a sigh he realised he'd been asleep all night, since 5pm yesterday.
Looking down he saw Edmund curled in on himself, his hand still clamped tightly around Peter's tunic.
Peter smiled a little, prising Edmund's hand away and climbing quietly out of the bed. He sighed as he ran a hand slowly through his hair, he just wanted Edmund to wake up, but he knew that wasn't going to happen for a while.
After a few moments of hesitation Peter quickly got changed and headed downstairs for some breakfast, Susan was right, he needed to eat.
Reaching the dining room and stepping inside he found both his sisters sat talking quietly together, Lucy munching on an apple.
They both looked up when Peter entered and smiled. "Morning." Susan said.
"Morning." Peter replied, taking a seat beside Lucy.
"Is - Is Edmund awake yet?" She asked slowly.
Peter sighed and shook his head. "Not yet." He mumbled.
Lucy nodded, a sad look on her face as she sighed.
"Where's Aslan?" Peter asked after a few moments.
Lucy shrugged. "I think he's down at the beach." She replied. "Although I'm not sure."
Peter only nodded as he began to eat.
After half an hour the food had been finished and, with a sigh, Peter told his sisters that he was going to check on Edmund.
"Alright." Susan nodded. "But don't you think we should tell all the Narnians what happened? Before he wakes up?" She added.
Peter hesitantly nodded. "I think that would be best." He said. "Get everyone in the throne room in the next half an hour, I'll be down in a minute."
Susan nodded as Peter ran out of the room. He ran all the way back up to his and Edmund's room before slowly opening the door.
Walking over to Edmund's bed he sat on the edge with a sigh, watching his brother as he slept. After a while he placed a hand to Edmund's forehead and frowned slightly at how high his temperature was.
Swallowing hard, he walked over and into the bathroom, grabbing a flannel and a bowl before filling the bowl up with cold water and returning to his brother.
Wetting the flannel he quickly wrung it and pressed it against Edmund's forehead.
Edmund whimpered a little bit but then seemed to relax, much to Peter's relief.
Glancing at the clock Peter sighed, he was supposed to be downstairs in fifteen minutes. He didn't want to leave his brother, but he knew that the Narnians had to know what had happened, otherwise - well, he didn't want to think about what would happen when Edmund woke up.
So, with alot of hesitation, Peter slowly stood, leaving the flannel on his brothers forehead, and left the room, closing the door quietly behind him.
He readjusted the crown on his head before heading down to the throne room, the walk itself took nearly ten minutes, but that was probably because of how slow he was walking, and how many times he found himself daydreaming. He eventually reached the throne room and walking inside saw a whole bunch of Narnians stood staring at Susan and Lucy, who were sat on their thrones.
He quickly walked up to join them, but instead of sitting down he turned around so he could face the Narnians.
"You're all probably wondering why you're all here?" He said, taking a deep breath.
The Narnians nodded as they all stared at Peter.
"It's about - about king Edmund." Peter said, holding his breath.
There was a loud snort. "King?" Growled a dog, glaring at Peter as if he'd just said that he'd joined the witch.
Peter sighed. "We need to tell you something." He said, forcing out his words. "And it's connected to the white witch."
"What, your brother betrayed us again?" A faun called.
Peter bit his lip - hard. "No, it's about how she took control over him."
Everyone stared at Peter, looking confused.
"You all probably have heard the story of the crystal we destroyed to get rid of the witch about a week or two ago?" Peter asked.
Everyone nodded.
"Well, some of it sort of got stuck inside of Edmund, allowing the witch to take control of him and get him to do whatever she wanted, for example, attacking people." Peter said.
"So, he never attacked anyone on his own free will?" Someone asked.
"No, he was being controlled." Peter said, hope in his eyes.
"Poor thing." Mrs Beaver muttered from where she stood at the front of the crowd of Narnians, Mr beaver stood beside her.
"But, where is he now?" A centaur asked.
"Upstairs." Peter said. "And unconscious."
There was a few moments of whispering before everyone quietened down again.
"So now that that's all sorted, will anyone call him a traitor again?!" Peter asked firmly.
Everyone shook their heads. "Good." He muttered. "That will be all."
And with that he marched out of the room.

- At Lunch -

"Is Edmund awake yet?" Lucy mumbled as Peter joined his siblings at the table.
Peter shook his head. "Not yet no."

- Mid afternoon -

Peter sighed as he placed a hand on Edmund's shoulder. Edmund didn't move, or do anything. He hadn't woken up yet, and Peter was beginning to worry.

- That evening -

"When will he wake up?!" Lucy sighed as she stared at Edmund.
"It won't be too much longer Lu." Susan said, although she sounded unsure.
"He'll be fine." Peter muttered.

- Midnight -

"Come on Ed." Peter whispered. "Please wake up." He sighed when Edmund didn't respond in the slightest.
Yawning, Peter lay down on the bed beside his brother, pulling the blankets over him and Edmund before falling asleep.

- The next morning -

"Please tell me he's awake?" Susan said as Peter walked into the dining room.
Peter hesitantly shook his head. "Not yet." He mumbled.
"He's been unconscious for a day and a half and two night!" Lucy exclaimed.
"I know Lu." Peter sighed. "But he will wake up eventually, that's what Aslan said."

- After Lunch -

Peter sighed as he stroked Edmund's hair out of his eyes, hoping that he'd wake up. But as it looked, that wasn't going to happen anytime soon.

- That night -

Peter sighed as he layed on his back on his bed, Edmund still unconscious in his bed across the room.
He sat bolt upright when he heard Edmund stir.
He was out of bed within seconds and across the room. And what he saw made him feel dizzy with relief.
Edmund was shifting in the bed and was very slowly opening his eyes.


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