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"You've lost Jadis." Peter said firmly.
Jadis just laughed. "How an earth have I lost if I'm still alive?!" She said. "You are both right here, and the stone table is right behind me."
Peter felt Edmund freeze in his arms, taking a deep breath.
"I won't let you." Peter said, his voice cracking.
"You might not have a choice." Jadis said with a smirk.
"I won't." Peter repeated.
Jadis paused for a moment. "Both of you, stand up." She ordered harshly.
The two brothers did nothing.
"If you don't get up, then one of you is going to end up get seriously hurt." Jadis said, twirling her dagger in her hand and smiling.
Peter hesitated before biting his lip. "Just stand up Ed." He whispered in his brothers ear.
Edmund nodded slowly, standing with his brother, gripping his elbow for support.
"Now that wasn't so hard was it?" Jadis said mockingly.
Peter wrapped his arm around Edmund's shoulder, pulling him close, trying to protect him. Edmund took a step closer to him, staring at Jadis as his breathing quickened.
"Edmund, Peter!"
Peter's head snapped to the side, eyes wide with fear.
Susan and Lucy were just walking through the line of trees, a huge smile on Lucy's face. It was quite clear that she hadn't spotted Jadis yet.
"Thank Aslan." Lucy murmured before running towards her brothers. But half way there she stopped dead.
"Lu." Peter said, his voice shaking. "Quickly, go back to Susan."
Lucy swallowed hard as she slowly turned around, and her eyes went wide at the sight of Jadis.
"Lucy now!" Peter said desperately.
But Jadis had other plans, as soon as Lucy took one step she darted forward and grabbed her by the shoulder, causing her to let out a scream.
"Lucy!" Peter shouted as Jadis pulled her close and pressed her dagger to her neck.
"This is going to work rather well." Jadis laughed. "Edmund?"
Edmund swallowed hard as he looked away from Lucy and up at the witch, his eyes full of tears.
"If you want your sister to live, I suggest you come here right now." Jadis said fiercely.
"No Jadis!" Susan said, walking up to her, and arrow on her bow, pointed directly at the witch.
Jadis laughed. "Shoot that arrow and I'll kill her." She said simply.
Susan hesitated but lowered her bow in the end, her hands visibly shaking.
Jadis smirked and turned back to Edmund. "I don't have all day Edmund." She said, smiling. "I need an answer."
"Edmund please don't." Lucy said, her voice shaking as a tear rolled down her cheek.
Edmund's breathing got heavier as he stared at the dagger pressed against his little sisters neck. He knew what he had to do.
Slowly removing Peter's arm from around his shoulder he ran forward to Jadis.
"Edmund no!" Peter screamed.
Jadis smirked and grabbed Edmund roughly by his tunic before pushing Lucy towards Peter.
Peter quickly caught her before she hit the floor, making sure that she was okay before turning back to Edmund.
"Nobody move a muscle!" Jadis warned, this time pressing the knife to Edmund's neck.
"Let him go!" Peter shouted, worry in his voice.
"Don't waste your breath." Jadis spat, tightening her grip on the dagger and pressing it hard against Edmund's neck. "I'm warning you all, you move, you take one step - and I'll slice this knife across his neck!"
Peter swallowed hard, gripping Lucy tightly as Susan walked over to them.
"Peter, just stay where you are, please." Edmund choked.
"But Ed." Peter said, tears in his eyes.
Edmund gave Peter a watery smile. "It's okay." He whispered. "It's fine."
Tears spilled down Lucy's cheeks as she clung to her brother, watching as Peter's face fell. "I won't let her Ed." He said.
Edmund shook his head. "Peter you don't have a choice." He said, trying not to sound to scared, for his siblings sake. "It's gonna be fine."
Peter stared at his brother with wide eyes, tears threatening to fall.
"It's not gonna be fine." Jadis said fiercely. "You're gonna be dead in the next five minutes."
"Yeah well at least then I'll never have to see you again." Edmund spat.
Jadis spun Edmund around so that he was facing her, eyes showing nothing but anger. "Don't you ever talk to me like that again." She said darkly, pressing the tip of the knife to Edmund's neck and pushing down, causing Edmund to start panicking.
"Edmund!" Peter shouted.
"Remember what I said Peter!" Jadis said quickly, looking over Edmund's head to see Peter stop in his tracks. She smiled before looking back down to Edmund. "Let's do this shall we?" And with that she pushed Edmund roughly towards the stone table. "And if you three move a muscle he dies straight away!" She warned.
Edmund swallowed hard as Jadis dragged him up the steps by the scruff of his tunic, holding onto him so tightly that he'd never be able to get away.
Edmund glanced at his brother, only to see his expression had changed.
Peter caught him looking and took a deep breath. "Delay and distract her, I have a plan." He mouthed at him.
Edmund nodded slowly.
"To be honest I'd rather do this on a full stomach." Edmund said, staring at Jadis.
Jadis stared back, looking rather bewilded. "Does it look like I have any food with me?!" She spat.
"Geez." Edmund said, rolling his eyes. "I only said."
Jadis' eyes went slightly wider before she pushed Edmund down, causing him to lye on his back.
"This isn't that comfortable to be honest." Edmund said. "Got a pillow?"
Jadis looked beyond bewilded after Edmund said this.
"Maybe a blanket?" Edmund suggested, trying his hardest to keep the smirk off his face at the looks she was giving him. "Well, it's got a crack down the middle, this table." He said.
"I can see that!" Jadis said, eyes wide as she pressed the dagger to Edmund's neck again.
Edmund took a deep breath, swallowing hard. "You must of spent forever sharpening that." He forced out. "Where'd you get it?"
Jadis by this point looked beyond confused. "What do you mean 'where did I get it'" She said. "You do realise that I'm about to kill you."
"Oh I know that." Edmund nodded, his heart pounding. "But if I'm being honest you've tried to kill me so many times that it's just become rather - hmm - funny when you say it now."
Lucy couldn't help but smirk as she watched her brother distract the witch, and as Peter slowly crept towards his sword.
"I mean, for a powerful witch you're quite a disappointment." Edmund said casually. "I mean, you can't kill a twelve year old boy." He paused. "Nearly 13, just to add." He hid the smirk at the look on Jadis' face. "Yeah, I'm 13 at the beginning of September. On the 5th, which I have a feeling is on a Monday, not sure." He shrugged slightly, shifting. "Blimey this stone isn't half digging into my back. And would you mind removing that knife, it's sorta hurting."
Jadis was lost for words, what an earth had gotten into him?
But what she didn't know was that Peter had just reached his sword, and was very slowly and quietly picking it up off the floor.


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