A bad feeling

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"Where's Peter?" Susan said suddenly just as they were all about to exit the castle.
"What?" Lucy said, stopping and turning around.
"Peter's gone." Susan said, frowning.
"Where?" Lucy said, turning back around as the others left through the door.
"I don't know." Susan muttered.
"Do you think he got worried about Ed?" Lucy suggested.
"That's a possibility." Susan replied.
"Susan?" Lucy asked rather warily.
"Do you have this feeling?" Lucy said. "Like, something bad's happened?"
"Now that you mention it." Susan said slowly. "Yeah, I do."
"Do you think we should go looking for him?" Lucy asked quickly.
"I think we probably should." Susan whispered, before opening the door.
"What are you doing?" Lucy asked, confused. "You said-"
"I've just got a feeling." Susan said, smirking. "That we should check outside first."
Lucy nodded. "If you're sure." She shrugged.
Susan nodded and the two ran out of the castle.
Lucy frowned as she followed Susan through the gardens and to the gate leading into the woods. "Wait up Susan!" She called after her, panting as Susan pushed open the gate.
Lucy followed her sister into the woods and gasped when she spotted something, or rather someone.
"Susan!" She said, pointing ahead of her. "It's Peter!"
Susan's eyes went wide as she spotted her older brother, laying face down on the floor a few hundred years ahead of them, unconscious.
"Lucy your cordial." Susan said, sprinting towards Peter. "Now."
Lucy nodded and pulled it out of her belt, rushing after Susan.
After a moment Susan reached Peter and fell to her knees beside him. "Peter!" She said quickly, shaking his shoulders.
Peter didn't respond in the slightest so Lucy knelt beside Susan and opened her cordial.
Susan took a deep breath as she opened Peter's mouth slightly and it was then that Susan spotted the gash on his head. "Quickly Lu." She said.
Lucy nodded before letting one drop of her cordial fall into Peter's mouth.
Susan held her breath as she saw the wound on Peter's head slowly disappear and his face relax. He groaned slightly as his eyes fluttered open, frowning.
"Susan? Lucy?" He choked.
"Oh thank Aslan." Susan whispered, helping Peter sit up. "What the heck happened Peter?"
Peter sighed, running a hand through his hair and frowning when he felt no gash.
Lucy held up her cordial a little, silently telling Peter what she had done.
"Oh." Peter muttered, before taking a deep breath. "The dwarf." He said. "He's not a Narnian."
Susan frowned. "What do you mean?" She asked.
"He's one of the witches followers sent to get rid of us so that Edmund could leave." Peter choked.
Susan's eyes went wide. "Please tell me he didn't." She whispered.
Peter stared at her, eyes full of tears. "I tried to stop him!" He said. "But he hit me around the head with the hilt of his sword-"
"He what?!" Lucy said.
"He was being controlled by Jadis." Peter sad quickly before continuing. "And then I must of passed out."
Susan took a deep breath, placing a hand on Peter's shoulder.
"He's gone Susan." Peter choked. "He's gonna be made to bring Jadis back to life." He added quietly.
Lucy sighed sadly. "We will get him back." She said confidently.
"Of course we will." Susan said, nodding her head.
"But how?" Peter asked, a tear rolling down his cheek.
Susan though for a moment. "We go to the stone table!" She said suddnely.
Peter frowned. "The stone table?" He questioned.
"Yes!" Susan said. "Think about it. If Edmund's gonna be made to being her back to life, he'll need her wand, and where is her wand?"
"The stone table." Lucy answered.
"Exactly." Susan said. "And I bet you anything that's where Edmund's heading."
Peter nodded. "Then what are we waiting for?!" He said, pushing himself to his feet.
"Peter, let's go back to the castle first." Susan said hesitantly. "It's more than a days journey to the stone table and we haven't got anything with us."
Peter bit his lip but nodded eventually. "Alright." He mumbled as his sisters stood as well.
"What about that dwarf?" Lucy asked.
"I'm sure Orious will figure it out when he finds out that there aren't any of the witches followers." Peter said, eager to get going. "Now come on!"


Edmund panted as he ran through the woods, wanting nothing more than to stop and rest for a whole.
Keep going
Edmund gasped sharply as he continued running, trying not to trip over any tree roots or anything.
You're not stopping until I can't control you anymore
"Please!" Edmund screamed silently
I said NO!
Edmund wanted to cry, but of course he couldn't.
After another five minutes of running he felt as as though he was going to pass out. He kept silently asking Jadis to tell him to stop, but she wouldn't let him. Until:
I can't control you anymore. Not for a while anyway. You can rest for a bit, but if you even think about turning back, then it won't be just you who gets punished, but your siblings too.
Two seconds later Edmund collapsed onto the floor, gasping and panting as the pain in his stomach slowly faded.
It took him a while to get his breath back but once he did he slowly sat up, leaning against a tree as he took a deep breath.
He wanted to go back, but he knew he couldn't, not with what Jadis had just said. He couldn't risk his siblings getting hurt, and if he was being honest, he didn't much want to get hurt either.
He slowly let the tears fall as he ran a hand through his hair, wanting nothing more than to curl up in Peter's arms and for him to tell him that everything was going to be fine.
As he sat there he felt his eyes slowly dropping, his head dropped and rested on his shoulder, before he fell into a deep sleep.


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