Come on Peter

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Peter's eyes popped open. He frowned a little, it was the middle of the night, how come he'd woken up?
He sighed though when he heard his brother mumbling, crying out in his sleep.
He quickly pulled the covers off him and slid out of bed, yawning as he did.
He ran to Edmund and sat down on the edge of his bed.
"Ed?" He said quickly, worrying. He stared at his brother, who had a petrified look on his face, he was drenched in sweat and the blankets were wrapped tightly around him.
"Edmund!?" Peter tried again, trying to untangle the blankets from around his brother. "Edmund!"
"P - Peter." Edmund mumbled. "Don't hurt him!"
Peter took a deep breath. "Edmund!" He shouted, shaking his brothers shoulders.
"No." Edmund whispered, tossing his head back and forth. "Please don't."
"Edmund wake up!" Peter shouted. "It's only a dream! Edmund!"
Edmund's eyes snapped open as he gasped loudly, his breathing slowing down as he stared up at the ceiling.
"Ed?" Peter questioned hesitantly.
Edmund slowly looked down at Peter, who was sat staring at him with a worried look on his face.
Edmund sighed in relief. "Peter." He mumbled, slowly sitting up and leaning against the pillows.
"You alright?" Peter asked, placing a hand on Edmund's knee.
Edmund swallowed hard. "I - I think so." He said.
Peter nodded. "What were you dreaming about." He asked. "And I understand if you can't tell me."
Edmund shook his head. "It wasn't anything like that." He said before sighing. "It was B - Beruna."
Peter's face fell. "Oh." He whispered. "When she - she -" He sighed, unable to say.
"Stabbed me." Edmund finished for him, nodding. "Yeah." He whispered.
Peter exhaled slowly, tightening his grip on Edmund's knee before shuffling over and sitting beside him, wrapping an arm tightly around his shoulders and pulling him into a hug.
Edmund sniffed slightly as he rested his head on Peter's chest, his arm placed around his stomach.
"It's all over now." Peter whispered to him. "She can never hurt you again."
"But - you know her plan!" Edmund said. "She's gonna make me bring her back to life!"
Peter sighed. "That's not gonna happen because I won't let you ever leave the castle Ed." He said firmly.
Edmund sighed. "Hmm." He hummed in reply, before wincing slightly.
"You okay?" Peter asked almost immediately.
Edmund shrugged. "I suppose." He mumbled. "It's just, everytime I dream of Beruna my scar hurts."
Peter sighed. "I understand." He said quietly.
There was silence for a long while before - to Peter's surprise - he heard heavy breathing and, looking down, found Edmund fast asleep.
Despite his shock that Edmund could fall asleep so easily after a nightmare, he couldn't help but smile.
Pulling the blanket back over them both he closed his eyes, tightening his grip around Edmund's shoulders and closing his eyes.
After a while he fell asleep.
But Edmund was far from asleep. His eyes opened and he sighed, gripping Peter's night shirt gently, tears in his eyes.
The reason he'd pretended to fall asleep was because Peter really needed to sleep himself, and he knew he wouldn't go to sleep until Edmund was.
After a long while though his eyes began to droop. Tightening his grip on his brothers shirt he buried his face into Peter's side and slowly fell asleep.


Peter sighed as he and his siblings sat on their thrones, the room full of Narnians as they tried to solve a matter between two arguing fauns.
Because he was only half listening, Peter saw that everyone had stood as far away from Edmund as actually possible, and that they all kept giving him odd glances, full of anger and hate.
He took a deep breath as Susan and Lucy quickly solved the matter between the fauns and sent them out.
Peter was about to stand when the doors burst open and a dwarf ran in.
Edmund's eyes went wide.
No, no, no, no
He thought, shaking his head.
He knew already that this wasn't a Narnian, but was in fact one of the witches followers, which could only mean one thing -
"Can we help you?" Peter asked.
Edmund stared at him, forcing himself to keep his mouth shut, even though his heart was pounding in his chest.
"Your majesty!" The dwarf exclaimed. "There's been a sighting of the witches followers not far from here!"
Peter immediately stood. "How many?" He asked.
"Only about five of them." The dwarf replied.
Peter nodded. "Susan, Lucy, Ed." He said. "Come on."
Susan and Lucy nodded, standing as Susan grabbed her bow and arrow and Lucy her dagger.
Edmund hesitated before taking a deep breath. "I - I don't want to go." He choked.
Peter turned around to face him, a frown on his face before it changed to a look of sympathy. "Are you sure?" He double checked.
Edmund nodded slowly, forcing back his tears. "Yeah." He mumbled.
Peter looked a little wary but nodded his head anyway. "Alright." He said. "We'll see you in a minute then." He said, before adding. "Are you sure you wanna stay here though?"
Edmund bit his lip. "I'll probably go upstairs." He said.
"What if Jadis - well - you know." Lucy whispered.
Edmund shook his head. "I don't think she will." He mumbled.
Peter nodded slowly. "We'll be back as soon as we can." He said.
Edmund nodded. "Goodbye." He choked, causing Peter to frown a little.
"Come on then." Susan said before running out of the room, Peter, Lucy and a few Narnians (including Orious) following her.
Edmund squeezed his eyes shut. Solve the riddle, solve the riddle! He screamed silently.
His eyes opened after a moment to be met with a room full of Narnians all staring at him.
Edmund swallowed hard, shifting in his seat as they began whispering amongst themselves.
"I won't hurt you." Edmund managed to say, loud enough so that everyone would here him.
"Yeah well, we ain't taking any chances." Said a fox.
"So leave!" A faun shouted.
Edmund took a deep breath.
"You're nothing but a traitor." Said a centaur. "Always have been."
Edmund felt like he was going to burst into tears, but he held them back as best as he could.
"So are you going go leave or are we gonna force you to leave?"
Edmund sighed. "I'm going." He choked, standing from his throne. Turns out Jadis' plan was going to work after all.
He slowly walked through the room, the Narnians stepping back to let him through.
On his way to the door he saw Mrs beaver, a sad look on her face and tears in her eyes.
Edmund looked away from her and down at the floor. This was it.
"Crown." A centuar said, putting out his hand to stop Edmund going any further.
Edmund sighed, hesitantly taking the crown off his head, he stared at it for a moment before hesitantly handing it to the centaur.
The centuar grabbed it from him and practically pushed him along.
As he reached the door he turned back around, hoping beyond hope that someone would stop him.
"We said, leave." A faun said firmly.
Edmund stared at everyone in the room for a moment before opening the door and leaving the room, and no sooner as he had, he heard Jadis' voice in his head and felt an agonising pain go through his stomach.
Leave the castle, and make it quick
Edmund found himself walking down the corridor as fast as he could.
Come on Peter, he thought over and over again. Solve the riddle!


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