No matter what

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- That night -

"Look, maybe we should stop for the night?" Susan sighed as she stopped walking, Peter and Lucy doing the same and turning to face her. "You both look like you're about to fall asleep, and I'm rather tired myself."
Peter sighed. "But what about Edmund?" He said desperately.
Susan thought for a moment. "Think about it Peter." She said. "Jadis can't control him all the time, and when she isn't controlling him, Edmund won't even think about carrying on."
"But when she is controlling him she'll make him run the whole time!" Peter said, sounding worried.
"How could he even run for that long?" Lucy questioned, frowning.
"He won't have a choice." Peter sighed sadly.
"But he'll get really out of breath." Lucy whispered.
"I know." Peter muttered before: "We can't stop Susan, we just can't." He bit his lip though when Lucy yawned loudly. "How about." He said, getting an idea. "I go on ahead, you two get some sleep, and catch me up."
Susan hesitated. "Is that a good idea?" She said slowly.
"I don't have a choice Su!" Peter said. "If Edmund reaches that stone table, then Aslan knows what Jadis will do to him! Or make him do!"
Susan sighed. "Alright Peter." She said. "You can go on ahead."
Peter nodded.
"But please be careful!" Susan added quickly.
"I will." Peter said, giving his sister a small smile.
"Peter?" Lucy asked after a moment.
"Yes Lu?" Peter asked.
"Say if you do find him." Lucy said slowly. "How are we gonna stop Jadis from controlling him anymore?"
Peter bit his lip. "We'll figure it out Lu." He said. "I promise."
Lucy nodded. "Alright."
"I'll see you later I suppose." Peter muttered.
Susan nodded, wrapping her arms around Peter's neck. "Bring him back Pete." She whispered into his ear.
"I will." Peter whispered back before letting go of Susan and giving Lucy a hug. "See you soon." He said, smiling a little bit.
"See ya." Lucy mumbled, squeezing as hard as she could.
Peter nodded and pulled away before hesitantly walking away. After a few steps he turned back around, looking rather worried. "Just, be careful." He told his sisters.
"We will Peter." Susan said, placing a hand on Lucy's shoulder. "Now go and find Edmund."
Peter nodded before turning away from his sisters again and walking away.


Edmund panted as he ran through the woods, so fast he thought he was gonna trip over his own feet.
Keep going, you're nearly an hour away from the stone table
Edmund was rather shocked when Jadis told him this. He'd been traveling for less than a day and he was only an hour away. But then again, he'd run the whole way, but not by choice.
All Edmund wanted to do was stop, Jadis had been in control of him for only five minutes at this point, and he was already extremely tired and warn out. But still Jadis told him to keep running... as fast as he possibly could.
And this went on for a whole hour, until Edmund broke through a line of trees and found himself standing in front of the stone table.
Quickly, I have a few minutes left, find my wand.
Edmund immediately walked up to the table, which was once again cracked down the middle, and started searching for the wand. He soon found it, and after a harsh order from Jadis, slowly picked it up off the floor.
I know you won't bring me back when I'm not in control of you, so it seems I'll have to wait a while. Once again, same thing applies, you even think about turning around you and your siblings will get hurt.
Edmund collapsed onto the floor seconds later, panting as he gripped his stomach, waiting for the pain to slowly disappear before sitting up and leaning against the stone table, glancing down at the wand in his hand.
Tears appeared in his eyes when he told himself that the next time Jadis took control of him, he'd be made to bring her back to life.
He swallowed hard as he let go of the wand and let it fall to the floor, unable to ignore the faint colour of red on the shattered tip.
He looked away and up at the woods, literally begging silently for his siblings to walk out and save him. The more he stared the more upset he got, and the more scared he got.
He didn't want Jadis to come back, not again. But at this moment, it didn't seem like he had a choice.
He sighed a little as he glanced up at the sky, watching the stars for a while before he slowly closed his eyes, shivering slightly at how cold he was getting.
But he didn't fell the cold any more as he let out a long sigh and fell asleep.


Peter jogged through the woods, too out of breath at that precise moment to run. But there was no way he was going to walk, he had to find Edmund before he was made to bring the witch back, because if that happened - well, he didn't even want to think about what would happen.
After a few more minutes he stopped to catch his breath, leaning on his knees as he panted. He would stop for less than a minute, then he would carry on again. He had to find Edmund. He would find Edmund, no matter what.
After a short while he carried on, walking as quickly as he could without running, thinking that if he ran he'd need more stops to catch his breath.
As he walked he looked up at the night sky, staring at the stars, hoping and praying that Edmund wasn't yet at the stone table.


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