So, I did what amazing persons would do in such situations. I stormed back to the car and stayed there, sulking.

He was grinning widely as he exited the store, carrying six bags of goods. Show-off. He loaded it in the trunk and I put on my poker face.

“What's wrong with you?” he asked playfully as he entered the car.

I didn’t speak to him until we got back home. He was trying to talk to me all the way though. Stupid him. Who said he could just flirt with others? And with girls?! In front of me?!

I went out of the car and slammed the door close. I stomped my way towards the front door and entered after stupidly fumbling with the keys, not bothering to wait for him. I ran straight to my room and hid under the covers, curling into a ball. Maybe today was Stupidity Day or something. I forgot to lock the door, resulting for Hunter to enter freely.

“Hey…” he mumbled as I felt the bed sank at my right side. “Silver…” He gently shook me. I just hugged my knees closer to my chest. “Baby, I'm sorry.”

“Sorry, my ass.”

I felt him lay on the bed behind me, pulling me to him so my back was pressed against his chest. “Tell me why you have to hide from people?”

I quickly turned around to face him, scowling. He cringed at how hard I was glaring at him. “Because they will go all crazy once they see me! I think the news are already out that I'm back, since the electricity in this house is being used again and all. And then, instead of helping me… you even… you even…”

I didn’t manage to finish my sentence and just pressed the back of my palms over my eyes, sniffing, not wanting any tears to fall. It was quite stupid to cry over this matter, I know, but still!

Hunter laughed slightly as he hugged me completely. I slapped his chest a few times, but it just made him laugh more. It’s not like I was tickling him…

“Don’t laugh at me!”

“You're so cute.”

“No, I'm not! The word cute is for girls. I prefer, adorable!”

“Don’t they have the same meaning?”

“Shut up!”

“I don’t want to.”

“I won't kiss you ever again.” I bit the inside of my cheek to stop myself from taking that back.

“Are you sure?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.

I gulped. “Of course!”

“Well then, let’s see to that.”

Before I could even comprehend what he just said, his ever-kissable lips were already leaving wet trails all over my face and neck, leaving my lips untouched for a particular reason. He kept teasing me, like he would kiss me near the corners of my mouth and then smirk everytime I would give off something that could be classified as a frustrated noise.

I know what he was doing. He was provoking me so I would kiss him, thus contradicting my words earlier. I won't let him win! O-Of course…

“Still won't kiss me?” he asked, nipping at the skin of my now exposed chest. To when he took off my upper garments, I can't remember.

I stubbornly shook my head, which earned me a cute frown from him, a frown that soon changed into a mischievous smile.

He hovered on top of me seductively slow. Starting from my belly button, he made his way up by kissing me, taunting me to cave in, and with the tips of his fingers featherly crawling up my arms. If he continued doing all these…

And just to challenge me more, he hummed, his chest defiantly vibrating against my own. His lips were now attacking my ears, joined by his teeth, along with his hot breath that never failed to tickle my skin at the very least.

“H-Hunter…” I gasped, trying to push him off me. “S-Stop it…”

He cooed. “You know I won't, Silver-babe. Your taste is my favorite. And I'm hungry now.” To show that, he nipped my collarbone.

“Then eat the goods you’ve bought from the grocery store! The grocery store where you’ve flirted with girls even with my presence!” With my newfound resolve, remembering what I had been mad at him for, I tried harder to push him. Ugh, this bulldozer! “Get off me!”


“I'm going to count, Hunter!” He merely shrugged, continuing what he was doing. He didn’t stop in the first place, anyway. “One!”

“Two…” He brought his hand lower until it was dangerously near my area.

I narrowed my eyes at him. “Don’t you dare.”

He squinted his eyes playfully and drummed his fingertips against my crotch.

I gasped and my eyes widened for a while, letting what he did freeze my movements a little. And then growling, “Three!” I pushed him off me the best I can.

That caught him off guard and he fell on the floor, his smirk now gone. “What the hell?!”

“I so hate you now, Hunter! I said I won't kiss you so I won't!”

“Fine! Suit yourself!” He angrily lifted himself up from the floor. He dusted his bum and stomped his way out of my room. “Make sure you stick with your words!” he yelled just before slamming the door close.

“Oh, I so will!” I yelled back, throwing a pillow at the door even if I knew it would be meaningless.

Burying my face in a pillow, I screamed all the frustrations, anger and jealousy I felt. It’s a very girly act. Yes. Did I care? Fuck no.

I fell asleep with my tears slipping out of control.

Hunting SilverWhere stories live. Discover now