Chapter 3. Third Condition

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The next few weeks were like torture for shen yuan. After the alliance was successfully made shen yuan was encharge of looking through the building of new diciple dorms, taking diciples in and the orphanage. None of these things were too hard for him and he actually enjoyed it a lot. Treating the new children (diciples) with kindness and care. This was his true nature though he never really thought of himself as a kindhearted person. The only problem was that bingge visited to look over things every few days and shen yuan had to ignore his intense stares from binghe though they didn't talk much.

Shen yuan was also frequently having dreams about binghe of the other world.. they were mostly memories of when he took care of the cute little child which made his stress go away every time he woke up.

It's already been a month now and the new diciples have already started their training under shen yuan.

"In order to cultivate you have to build a core first.. this teacher wants all of you to take this seriously" As he was looking over their training he felt chill down his spine as if someone was watching him from behind. He reluctantly turned around to see lou binghe leaning against a tree watching him with a smile on his face.

He walked over to him "its not a healthy habit to sneak around and stare at people"

Bingge raised a brow "i never sneaked around but i was staring" a cocky smile made its way on his face around "you look similar to someone i know while teaching" walking towards shen yuan he added "the only difference is the look in your eyes it's... warm"

Shen yuan fanned his face at the complement "Ayo they're still cute little children there's no need to be too strict on them for now"

"Well why are you here? don't you usually go directly to inspect the construction progress"

Putting a hand on shen's shoulder "i wanted to see you today" he smiled but shen yuan only felt scared to death despite not showing any signs of it and raised a brow at him
Bingge chuckled "no particular reason i just wanted to see you" he then turned around and left on Xin Mo.

SY let out a breath he didn't know he was holding and blurred out " fck.. what was that about"


It was dark outside and shen yuan was peacefully sleeping in his room
when he opened his eyes and he saw that he was sitting on his bed cleaning his sword in his hand outside the window it was a pleasant afternoon and suddenly his door opened revealing his dizi who was probably 17 right now walk in "shizun i'm back" he smiled and sat next to his shizun.. shen yuan rubbed his head with affection and smiled back "welcome" after a pause he heard
"shen ..yuan.. A yuan.." binghe mumbled which made shen yuan shocked for a second then he realized he was still dreaming so he smiled back and said caressing his cheek "it's nice to hear you say my real name even if it's a dream" binghe chuckled "so shen yuan is your real name.. i knew you weren't the real shen qingqui" hearing this made shen yuan confused but then he stepped back in realization "dream realm?"
Bingge smiled at him and said "oh i got caught but then i caught you too.. shen yuan"

A second later shen yuan's eyes shot open and he had goosepumps all of his body out of fright.. He took deep breathes to calm himself down and when he looked outside it was already morning.. he tried calling system to ask something but it was as if it died he could do nothing but to go on with his daily schedule and started taking lessons.. helping diciples meditate and even bought them delicious breakfast after morning classes..
he was sitting at the cafeteria eating his breakfast as well with the cute newcomers.. trying his best to busy himself when one of his father's diciple came

He bowed and said "Brother shen your father has called you to his palace" shen yuan nodded and asked "is it something urgent?"
"Yes shizun wants to see you immediately"
He sighed then said with a faint smile "Alright i'll leave right away"

It took only ten minutes for shen yuan to arrive at his father's residence and when he walked in he saw his father sipping tea sitting across none other than luo binghe. He gulped but recollected himself quickly into a calm expression and walked towards his father and bowed cupping his hands "father you wanted to see me"

"A yuan~ my son come sit down"

He sat at the front of his father but away from bingge
Wen shinhou (his father:the sect leader) had a complicated expression on his face and after a moment of silence he spoke.

"Son as you know lord bingge didn't say his third condition at the meeting before and he has come here to make the last request to complete the alliance"

Shen yuan asked showing no emotion on his face as he tured to binghe

" and what is that third condition?"

Binghe smiled at him but didn't speak while his father replied "he wants to take you back to hua hua sect as a... "
Shen yuan was stunned and he glared at binghe when his father coughed and said

"..he wants to court you"

Shen yuan "...."

After a moment of silence he spoke "NOT... A.. CHANCE" then he shot up and left the room.. walking down the corridor he felt someone behind him but before he could react he was pinned to the wall and a cold voice was heard "shizun~ Don't you want to see your sect to grow or you want it to be destroyed along with that 'family' of yours" he then looked at his face which was too close to his and asked "....why? Didn't you hate the person your calling shizun" binghe smirked and replied "the person i hated is already dead and you're not him.. you're not even from our world am i right?"

Shen yuan was speechless and only stared at bingge who started caressing his cheek "you're the person i was so attracted to when i accidentally went to that world... so much that i tried countless times to go back just to see a glimpse of this gentle face" he slowly backed away and held a strand of his hair gently "you look even more beautiful with white hair now" and smiled at him while shen yuan was feeling complicated emotions all at once listening to his words
Luo binghe slowly turned to leave and said "i'll give you three days to accept or else i have other ways to take you with me.. you already know i won't hesitate to kill just to get what i want"

A chill went down his spine and shen yuan had to kneel down on the floor to digest what just happened..

Authors note:
●So binghe already knew he was the 'good' shizun from the beginning but made him confess in the dream
●He even found out that he was always an entirely different person and that his real name was actually shen yuan which he is using right now
●Sect alliances and deals usually always have three conditions/requests that both side have to accept however in this case only binghe can make the requests

So i am thinking of making the next part pov version to get a better insight of what shen yuan and bingge are thinking which would be and is the reason behind their actions throughout the fic..

Scum villain & bingge (The Darkened Luo Binghe Meets Real Shen Yuan)Where stories live. Discover now