While walking towards the Click House, they watched the sunset go down. Some very nice Insta Story pics were taken and a very snazzy one of Lannan and Willeh on a rock. Before he tried to chase another dog.

"WILLEH NO!" Lannan screamed, chasing after his small bundle of fluff. Earning giggles from the bystanders. They finally reached the house just as the pasta was ready. "I want foooood!" No one was really home. Just Lufu and Bazz. The girls went into the kitchen and joined the stream, Kath was straining the pasta in the sink. Tannar and Y/n pulled up on stream.

"Hey chat!" Y/n called, Lannan went into Brodey's room with Willeh.

"How's the house shopping going?" Brodey asked, lifting Willeh onto his desk chair. Lannan sat on the floor.

"We found a place, it's a little over budget. But we're gonna apply for a loan."

"That's really good, I'm happy for you guys." He smiled,

"Thanks Bazz, that means a lot." The pair of them kept talking until a large bang came from upstairs. "What the fuck?" They both asked, before running up the stairs. Willeh running after them. The girls were laughing on the floor. The guys stopped running and walked over. To find Y/n and Lufu covered in spaghetti sauce and Tannar holding a large empty red bowl.

"TANNAR!" They squealed laughing like no tomorrow. The chat streaming with laughing emojis. The boys just shook their heads while helping them all up. Careful as to not get any tomato sauce on them as well. They cleaned every down and got the remaining pasta sauce onto the pasta. The stream ended and everybody sat on the couch with their bowls.

They had a great night, talking about whatever popped up. But what thing led to another and eventually it was 10 at night. Brodey offered to drive them back to Lannan and Tannar's apartment but they decided it would be easier just to stay over. Everybody walked down a level to Kath and Brodey's rooms and said goodnight then the trio plus Will, continued down the stairs to Y/n's room and the extra living room. Tannar stole blankets out of the laundry and went to sleep on the couch. Lan followed his girlfriend into her room. Lannan was in the bathroom and Y/n stole his 'yeet' hoodie he left on her bed. She snapped into bed and covered herself like a burrito. Leaving no duvet for Lannan. He walked out not surprised.

"Well, I guess I have to tackle you for that duvet now hah?" He smirked.

"Nooooo!" She squealed as he landed on top of her and tickled her. They had a full on tickle fear until something hit the door.

"I WILL THROW MY SHOE AT YOU TWO NEXT TIME IF YOU DON'T STFU!" They heard Tannar yelled, then she laughed back into the living room. Y/n just erupted into a fit of laughter. Sharing the duvet again.

"Hey! That's my hoodie!" Lannan gasped.

"It's mine now." Y/n smirked. Before Lan could say anymore she turned off the lights. "Alexa, goodnight."

"Lights are out. Goodnight Y/n." The familiar robot voice rang. Lannan just laughed as he started to spoon his soulmate.

"I love you Lan." She whispered sleepily.

"I love you too Y/n." She fell asleep after this. Lannan noticed and continued his sentence. "One day, we'll have our own home, our own day for us and our little look alikes. I promise you." He kissed her hair and fell into slumber as well.


Y/n woke, cold as Antarctica. Hearing the distance voice of Elliot raging upstairs. The duvet was on the floor. Lannan was hugging himself. She checked the clock; 4:24AM. This was one of the worst nightmares yet. She shivered at the thought. Sweat dropped off her forehead. Quietly as she could, she opened the door and walked to the kitchen. Using her phone torch as a guide. She took an Up&Go out of the fridge and walked out the front door. Heading to the beach. Hoping to catch a sunset. Her phone was charged. She realised how irrational this was after she got to the beach. She sat on the sand. Her feet indulged into the yellow grains. She poked her straw through the plastic opening and slowly drank the milk. Her appetite was gone. Slowly moments from her dream became clearer.

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