Glitter and Pie/Dean

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Prank wars were always fun with the boys. It usually ended up with someone getting hurt and then the war ending for a few weeks until they were better before starting up again. Last week Dean had pranked me by putting blue hair dye in my shampoo. I've been walking around since with permanent blue hair. This time, I'm getting him with a classic.

Pie to the face.

But if I know anything about Dean it's that he hates glitter. So after getting pied I will throw glitter all over him, effectively shocking him enough to give me enough time to take a picture.

That's how I ended up standing around the corner of the library, a cherry pie with whip cream on top in one hand and gold glitter in the other. Dean walked past me, obviously having not seen me.

As quick as I could, I ran up behind him and smacked the pie in his face. His steps filtered and he almost fell. I moved around him to look at his face to see his eyes open. He looked at me and nodded, glancing down at himself. I began to giggle, just little giggles that managed to slip out.

"Fair enough." He whipped it out of his eyes,

That's when the glitter came. His eyes shut again as I threw the glitter at him, coating him in gold. After a few moments and a very angry sigh, he opened his eyes again.

He wasn't seriously mad at me, he knew that this was prank wars. But he was angry at the glitter.

"You better run." His voice was playful.

I did as told and turned and ran away. My socks that were covered in pie made me slip as I ran, but I managed to outrun Dean as he was slipping more than me.

"Y/N I'm gonna get you!" His voice was loud and playful and I couldn't help but laugh.

I ran into the garage, slipping into the impala and slamming the door, locking it. Not a second later Dean entered the garage and slammed into the front of the impala, having slipped on whip cream. The car was now covered in pie but he didn't pay attention to that, just me.

"Y/N..." he teased, yanking the keys out of his pocket.

We played a game. He would unlock the door but before he could open it I would lock it. This continued for a few minutes before he moved towards the backdoor before I could think. As quick as I could, I rolled over the seat into the back, but I was too late, he had opened the door.

"Dean...we can talk about this." I began to giggle again.

I turned around and unlocked the other door before my ankle was grabbed and I was yanked away. He the grabbed me by the waist and swung me over his shoulder, carrying me to the library and throwing me on a couch, beginning to tickle me.

"No! Dean no!" I laughed.

"Who's giggling now huh?" He smirked, continuing to tickle me.

"Stop! Please stop." I laughed harder.

"You're cleaning up the halls and the library." He told me.

"Fine fine fine! Just stop." I laughed.

He finally stop, grinning down at me as I panted.

"Now get to cleaning."

Supernatural ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora