Nature and Books/Sam

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"Hey Dean? Have you seen Y/N?" Sam questioned his brother on his girlfriend.

"Uh yeah, she left like a half hour ago, didn't say where." Dean answered, glancing up from his book.

Sam smiles, knowing exactly where you were.

"Alright thanks. I'll be back later." Sam grabbed the keys and left to the garage.

He drove for 5 minutes before making it to the beautiful river you found months ago and fell in love with. You loved to go there just to read and relax. Sam's the only other one who knows it exists and often joins you. He climbed out of the Impala, a book in his hand. He smiled at the sight of you leaning against a tree, shoes and socks off, a book in your hands, your nose inches from the page.

Sam began to walk your way and placed a kiss on your forehead, you didn't even react. Sam plopped down beside you and began to read as well. But Sam couldn't concentrate. He kept getting distracted by the way you would quickly turn pages to read the words as fast as you could, or the way your nose scrunched when something happened you didn't like. Or the way your tongue poked out of the side of your lips from concentration.

Finally, he was done. He removed the books from both your hands and set them aside. You immediately began to protest but Sam just grabbed you by the waist and pulled you on top of him.

"It was getting to the good part." You groaned as Sam wrapped his arms around you.

"Well I couldn't concentrate. You were being too damn cute." He moves your hair and began to kiss down your neck.

You tilted your head back and let his kisses sink into your skin, making you feel all tingly. This was the effect he had on you.

"Okay maybe the book can wait." You mumbled.

He chuckled into your neck, making you squeal and scrunch up. He smirked and began to squeeze at your sides. You let out another squeal and began to laugh as he tickled you. He laid you down in the grass and continued to tickle you. You begged and pleaded for him to stop. He eventually just grabbed your hands and pinned you down.

"I love you." You told the handsome male.

"I love you more, princess."

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