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You were put into a coma. A dream coma. The same kind that Bobby was once put in. Your worst memories were played over and over and you were reliving it all.

"MAKE IT STOP MAKE IT STOP!" You screamed as the group of vampires banged on the closet door.

You had hidden yourself. You didn't have any weapons to save yourself so what else were you suppose to do. Suddenly, the banging slowly came to a stop. You didn't want to leave in fear that this was a trick and the moment you opened the door they would attack.

"Y/N?" Dean's voice filled your ears.

"Dean?" You whimpered.

"Y/N! Open up. We're here!" Sam shouted.

You opened the door and flew into Dean's waiting arms.

"Hey, It's okay. We're here and were gonna get you out of here." Dean told you soothingly.

"How do we get out of here?" You asked, pulling away.

"Well, you have to go into your deepest and darkest memory." Cas told you.

You didn't want to. You knew what memory that was going to be and you did not want to see that happen again. But you wanted out of here.

You nodded and slowly walked towards the front door. Sam wrapped an arm around you in reinsurance. You opened the door to be met with a long hallway. The longer you traveled down the hall, the darker the memories got. Some had some locks on it to keep them hidden.

You passed one which had your shrill screams flooding through. It was the night that a demon had kidnapped and tortured you for information on Cas. You refused to give anytime up though. You ignored the memory and pushed on.

The last memory was in a very dark hallway. It was lit with a single lightbulb and this door had chains and locks on it to an extreme. You had tried for so long to barry the memory and now you have to relive it. One touch of your finger sent all the chains and locks away, basically making then pointless. You were hesitating, not want to open the door.

"Hey, we're right here with you." Dean told you, putting a hand on your shoulder.

You nodded and slowly opened the door. It was the living room of your old home. You were 12 at the time and sitting on the floor, doing your homework. Your mom was in the kitchen, finishing up dinner and your dad was sitting in the recliner, watching TV. Right now everything looked normal, but give it a couple more seconds.

Your mom came scurrying in with two plates of food. She handed you one which you thanked her for and she set another next to your father.

"What no beer?" He asked in annoyance.

"Well I couldn't carry everything, I'll go get it now."

"God damn, couldn't even get myself a good wife." Your father mumbled.

You gulped and gripped tight onto Dean's arm.


"Yes sir?" Young you Immediately answered.

"I heard you had a math test today. How'd you do?" Your dad turned his attention towards you.

"A um, a 98%." You answered.

Now you turned and barried your face into Castiel's trenchcoat. Cas wrapped his arms around you and held you. You knew what was coming next.

"A 98? What you couldn't of gotten a 100?!" He screamed.

"I'm sorry daddy. I'm a fuck up, I know I am. I should of never of been born." Young you began to sob.

By this time now you was shaking in Cas' arms.

"Damn right. Now get upstairs." Your father ordered.

"But w-why?" Young you squeaked out.

"You'll see when I get up there." You can hear the smirk in his tone.

Young you nodded and walked towards the stairs.

"Don't do it." Now you spoke in a raspy voice.

Young you turned towards now you.

"You think you're a fuck up now, he'll fuck you up even more. You'll wake up screaming in the middle of the night, wishing for death. And you'll almost do it, so many times. Your life will mean nothing until you meet these boys. But that's a long time from now. So run, right now, out that door." You ordered.

"Y/N." Your father spoke in a warning voice.

Young you quickly ran upstairs in fear. Your dad huffed and stood up from his seat.

"You selfish bastard." You spoke again.

"Excuse me?"

"All you ever cared about was yourself. You used me and mom. You used my mom to do housework and to make food. You used us both as personal punching bags. Y-You used me for pleasure, for years. You fucked me up in ways that can never be fixed. I could never fully trust a man, I can't. I can't trust them without worrying that they'll do the same things to me as you did. You are a petty excuse for a man and I hope you rot in hell." You told the man in front of you.

"Now you watch your tone. You're suppose to respect me." He took a daring step forward.

"No. Because, I hate you. I always hated you. The money you brought in from work, me and mom never saw a dime of it. We used our own money from work to pay for the house and for food. Hell I almost starved to death multiple times. But that should of been you. MY MOTHER IS DEAD BECAUSE OF YOU! YOU SELFISH MOTHERFUCKER!" You screamed.

He just smirked and continued his way upstairs. I knew there was nothing I could do now. Mom walked in shakily and glanced up the stairs.

"How could you let him do that to me?" You asked in a small voice.

Young you's screams and pleads began to fill the house. The three boys behind you began to piece everything together.

"I was a kid. Your kid. You should of stopped him. You should of called the police. Anything to get him to stop!" You yelled at her.

She winced and quickly walked away. You turned and hugged Sam, who held onto you tight. All three boys tried to comfort you as your screams filled the house. You wanted it to be over.

With a flash of light, you were sitting up in bed. You were back in the bunker, laying on your bed with your boys surrounding you. You started to sob, not being able to control it. They all held you as you cried, just letting you cry.

"Y/N? Do you really not trust us?" Cas asked.

"I didn't at first but now I know you would never. I trust all three of you w-with my life." You squeezed his hand.

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