Chapter 31- Dark Time

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(Y/n) was slowly starting to regain consciousness after receiving a blow to the back of the head. Her eyes fluttered open as she felt intense soreness on the spot where she was struck. She felt herself lying on something firm, rising to an up position, starting to become aware of her surroundings her heart dropped as she instantly recognized the room she was in. Her first instinct was to look for an escape, eyes darting around the room they noticed a few details about the room. The windows that once were able to show (Y/n) the outside world were now darkened, the sole source of light she had was the fan above her bed.The windows also had padlocks on them in order to keep her inside.The door entrance had no doorknob to turn just a simple vertical door handle which made her assume it could only be opened from the outside. From where she was sitting she could tell the dresser where she kept her old clothes had all the drawers open with some of them hanging from a corner by a thread. Everything that had belonged to be before now seemed to be missing from the room. She didn't want to imagine what they could've been doing with her belongings.

She looked to her right side where the nightstand. The flowers that Kaito had given her the first day she arrived to that house were still sitting there, only now they were very withered with some dead petals scattering the floor. Next to the withered bouquet was a device with a camera. After a few seconds of staring a it she realized it was a monitor. Now those psychos could see everything she was doing. All of this was making her literally feel sick to her stomach. 'This is fucking disgusting.' (Y/n) placed a hand over her mouth, taking in a couple deep breaths not wanting to let any vomit come out.' Keep it down, (Y/n). Stay strong....Oh god. Chris. They killed him..' She wanted to break, she wanted to yell, she wanted cry, she even wanted to kill. She wanted him to suffer the way he suffered. She wanted to take that same gun, shove it down Ren's throat and pull the trigger. She wanted to watch to watch him take his last breath as he succumbed to a slow painful death.

(Y/n) halted those twisted thoughts, perceiving it wouldn't make a difference. If Chris had died, killing Ren wouldn't bring him back. (Y/n) was left again feeling hopeless. Just when she thought she would achieve freedom, they always ended up finding a way to murder her faith. She was suddenly startled when she heard locks sliding open from the outside. She quickly jumped off the bed, moving over to the farthest corner in the room to keep as much distance from whoever was entering. Speaking of the devil. Emerging from the other side was the person she least wanted to see out of everyone. Ren came in holding some items in his grasp. He was carrying an ice pack, a plastic bag, and satchel. (Y/n) was curious yet terrified of what he had in those bags. Ren saw her cornered into the farthest part of the room and gave a slight smirk with a low chuckle.

"It's cute seeing you cornered, thinking it'll keep my distance from you, (Y/n). No, really..." Ren's dark eyes scanned her figure from bottom to top in a predatory manner. "You look good enough eat."

If (Y/n) thought she had a reason to gag before this really takes the cake. (Y/n) remained on guard as he closed the door behind him and walked over to the bed to place down the items. He first took out a set of clean new clothes placing them down the mattress though he didn't pull out anything from the satchel at least not yet. Ren then began walking towards (Y/n). She went into panic mode feeling disoriented from all her thoughts running loose in her head all at once telling her to run. Get away. She came to terms and sprinted towards the door. But luck wasn't on her side. Ren knew she would do this so he quickly pulled out a small remote and pushed a button. The signal was received causing the door to automatically lock from the outside. (Y/n) almost crashed into the door but stopped herself by placing both hands in front of the door. 'Shit!! No! No! No!!!' Soon she was being dragged by Ren into the bathroom. She resisted again and again but she was no match for someone of Ren's strength. He turned the light on and shut the door to the bathroom. (Y/n) was confused as to why she was brought into the bathroom. "Why did you drag me in here?"

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