Chapter 9- Refusal

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(Y/n) was in her room packing what she was going to need in order to spend the day at the beach with the guys. She was checking to make sure she had everything in order and careful not to forget anything.

"Okay...change of clothes, towel, and sunscreen. Sure don't want to forget that or I'll be peeling for days." (Y/n) had originally planned to go to the beach with just denim shorts and a short sleeved, V neck white top, but yesterday she was given a bag by Ryo that contained a two piece aqua colored bikini. At first the girl thought it wouldn't fit, seemingly as they didn't know her measurements for a bikini, but to her surprise it fit perfectly. (Y/n) wondered how they were able to guess her measurements so easily.

Hearing a knock at her door, she granted permission for the person to enter. Stepping inside was the dark haired musician. It looked like Ren was already in his beach attire consisting of a light grey T-shirt, swimming trunks, and a pair of sandals. "Are you all set, (Y/n)?"

"Yeah." (Y/n) swung her bag over her left shoulder, showing she was ready. (Y/n) noticed Ren was holding keys to a vehicle. "Are you driving, Ren?" The female asked, pointing to the keys in his hand. "Mhmm."

"You have a license, don't you?" (Y/n) questioned with a small smirk playing at her lips. The raven male scoffed at her inquiry. "Yes, of course I do. You think I'm that dumb not to have one?" (Y/n)'s smirk grew a bit wider at his reaction. "No, just checking. Didn't mean any offense...okay let's go then." Before (Y/n) could make an advance towards the door, she was pulled back by her waist, sending her crashing into a sturdy chest. The next thing she felt was a soft peck on her right cheek, catching her off guard. Her cheeks were dusted with a light pink shade, as she tried to register in her mind the action performed on her. Ren already began walking ahead, leaving a stunned (Y/n) behind. Just before exiting the room, he turned his head back, looking at the motionless girl with a playful smirk of his own.

"Got you." He chuckled deeply, walking out of the room.

(Y/n) still blushing, continued to stare at the empty doorway, feeling defeated at her own game. "Ren, you idiot!"

After about two hours of driving on the road, the group had arrived at the beach. As they exited their vehicle, an annoyed Kaito came out holding his arm, grumbling profanities under his breath, specifically towards the flaxen male.

"Your foolish games of punch buggy. I have no feeling in my left arm because of you!" The crimson male's words seethed with aggravation, scowling at the golden haired boy. "Sorry, dude." Ryo gave him an apologetic grin, while rubbing the back of his neck. "(Y/n) if you want you can go ahead and change. The change rooms are over there, in the meantime we'll go find a spot somewhere." Bako told the female while he scrutinized the sandy area.

"If you need any help changing, just let me know, angel~." Ryo sent her a flirtatious wink, only to receive a hard smack in the back of the head by Alex. "OWW! I was only kidding! Damn, can't take a joke." The boy whined, rubbing the sore spot on his head. (Y/n) rolled her eyes, unamused. "See you guys in a bit."

The (h/c) haired girl reached the changing rooms in no time. She entered one of the stalls, locking the door behind her and setting her bag down on the floor. She opened her bag, taking out the aqua two piece she was given the day before. Once out of her last article of clothing, (Y/n) slipped on the bottom half of the bikini, then put on the top, tying the two strings securely around her neck. Gathering her clothes, she placed them back in the bag and unlocked the door.

She looked at herself in the mirror of the changing room, feeling a bit awkward in the swimming attire. (Y/n) was never one to show off an excessive amount of skin. She took in a deep breath and walked out of the changing rooms.

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