Chapter 10- Nearly Lost Control

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Sitting in the living room, Ryo and (Y/n) were chattering about mindless topics, while Ryo had his head laying down on the girl's lap as she was gently running her fingers through his silky sunshine colored hair. She brought her hand down to his healing lip, stroking it with care. This sent sweet shivers up the boy's spine, feeling (Y/n)'s warm fingertips brush against his bottom lip.

"Ryo, you never did tell me how you ended up with an injured lip." The flaxen male searched his mind for a convincing pretext to give the female so she wouldn't suspect anything. "O-oh, well you see..."

As the blonde made an effort to force out his words, a new presence made it's self known to the conversing pair.

"I'm the one responsible for his busted lip." The two looked over at the artist that was standing a few feet away from them. Bako silently glowered at the male resting his cranium on the (e/c) eyed girl's lap. Ryo mirrored the same action, while (Y/n) kept darting her eyes back and forth between Ryo and Bako. She instantly felt the tense air surrounding the two, a sensation she was all too familiar with.

"What did you come here for anyway?" Ryo spat out irritably as he pushed himself up from his position. "I wanted to spend some time with (Y/n). If you don't mind."

"Actually, I do mind."

"It wasn't a question."

At this point, the two boys were standing in front of one another closely eyeing each other like predators, to see who would make the first move. (Y/n) sat in her spot, already knowing where this was heading.

'Damn it, I have to get them away from each other.' She stood up from the couch, placing herself in between the two glaring males to create some distance.

"Hey, look I don't know what went on with you guys, but could you just please drop it? Is it that really big of a deal?" They gave no regards to the inquiring female, as they continued to pierce each other with their vicious gazes. "(Y/n) is coming with me. You've already had your time with her." The brown eyed boy slowly shook his head in a disapproving manner.

"I can't leave my angel with someone who has no control over his damn emotions. What if you end up harming her?"

"This coming from a guy who gets flat out wasted and tries to kill his angel." Ryo clenched his fists tightly, feeling his blood start to boil. Just thinking back on the memories of his filthy hands wrapped around (Y/n)'s neck, strangling her, he felt such disdain towards himself and anger at Bako for mentioning it.

"How dare you bring it up in front of (Y/n)! Have you no consideration for her?!" Ryo felt tears prick at his eyes, but he forced them back to avoid showing vulnerability.

"Ryo! Calm down!"

"You deserve to be reminded of what you did! You almost killed her!!"

"Bako, stop it!"



Bako was about to charge at full force at Ryo, but (Y/n) remained in front of him and with her quick thinking, in one brisk motion (Y/n) front elbowed Bako hard in his chest, knocking the air out of his lungs and fell to the ground.

The boy grabbed his chest, coughing and gasping for air. The golden male was in complete shock by (Y/n)'s decision. The female huffed out in irritation and glared at both men.

"God fucking damn it! I tried to reason with you two, now look what happened!!" (Y/n) shouted rather furiously, feeling her blood pressure increase. In the next moment the four other boys rushed to the source of all the loud noise that being heard.

"What in the world is all the yelling about?!" The coal haired musician questioned. He and the others noticed Bako on the floor, still clutching his chest, though no longer coughing but held a stupefied countenance, while staring at the carpeted floor. Ren automatically assumed that Ryo had something to do with everything, remembering their dispute from a few days ago. "Ryo, what did you do?" The onyx male inquired him in his usual calm demeanour.

"W-wait, I--..."

"Don't blame him. He did nothing wrong. It was me...I knocked Bako to the ground." (Y/n) wasn't about to let Ryo get scolded for something he didn't do. The blonde boy greatly admired the female for sticking up for him.

Just then, an infuriated Alex made quick long strides towards the fallen cerulean male. He roughly hoisted him up by his collar, glaring at him with his enraged magenta eyes. "What the hell did you do to (Y/n)?"

"Alex, stop. Let him go." The (h/c) haired girl pried the animal lover away from Bako. With a guilty expression, she turned to the artist to apologize. "I'm sorry, Bako. It was all I could think of to keep you from tackling Ryo." The four males that weren't there when the scene had gone down jerked their heads, gawking at said male quizzically.

'I feel like I need to have a talk with Bako. I'll just have to deal with Ryo later.' (Y/n) grabbed Bako by his hand and paced towards the stairway. The girl ignored the questions she was receiving from the baffled group and proceeded to make her way to her room with Bako. The cobalt male was too consumed by his thoughts to say anything to (Y/n).

After the pair disappeared from sight, Kaito scowled at the blonde with arms crossed against his chest.

"Start talking, Ryo."

Hey, sorry that this chapter is short but I wanted to make the next chapter mainly about (Y/n) and Bako's conversation/ time together. So yeah...until the next chapter. Byee~

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