9. Sister 🖤 Sister

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Nicole POV

"Bitch if you don't stop yelling in my motherfucking ear, you dizzy ass bitch" I groaned towards Eve.

Ever since, I confronted her and Mílan. She had me locked up inside her warehouse. Now, I'm here apparently, she was trading me off to some niggas. Which now, I know is King but, honestly fuck him too...

"It's in your best interest to shut the fuck up" Evelyn said nastily, while roughly yanking my arm. "Nah, It's in your best interest to SHUT THE FUCK UP!", King voice boomed throughout the room. Catching everyone's attention immediately, as he came downstairs pulling Mílan roughly behind him. Evelyn's hold on me, instantly dropped.

Mhm, noted.

"This what's finna happen... we're allll gonna get some shit straight before we leave here." King said while waving his weapon wildly around the room. When his eyes landed on mines, "Yoo, get these fucking cuffs off my girl now!" He demanded. "Not until you release what's mine" Evelyn demanded back. If looks could kill.. shit they're both be dead. The stare down was intensified, making the already thick energy even thicker. Silence, again filled the room before King finally nodded, go ahead. A guard from King's crew untied Mílan as Evelyn did the same for me.

I slowly rubbed my wrists, as I looked around the room. When I actually seen exactly who was all there, I could've fell the out. Myself, King, Mylen, Mílan, Ariana, Rell, Evelyn, Sammy and an mixture of both King's and Evelyn's people. "Now, let's start with this fuck ass shit, so I can go." Rell said coming down the stairs. "Got me killing random niggas for no reason... I was tryna stop doing that" he said, mumbling the last to himself. The room started to shift. Crew vs Crew. I reluctantly decided to side with King for right now. I didn't wanna be locked up at Evelyn's but who trades someone? I don't know what to think about that. I'm a person.. not an object. "You mind telling me, what the fuck is going on?" I asked King. Instantly regretting it. My voice cracked, revealing what i didn't want anyone to know. I was scared. "Seems to me, you hold a steak in both crews. You either bring peace or war" Sammy spoke for the first time, causing me to rolling my eyes. Nigga, I wasn't talking to you. Obviously confused.. I just nodded as if I knew what he was talking about. "Look, she doesn't even know what's going on.. or let alone who she really is." Ari spat with angry dancing on her lips. Snapping my head towards her, I finally notice she wasn't on our side. "Ar-" I was cut short but Mylen, "She's not for us, she never was." It's was a long silences before anybody spoke again. "We brung you, Nicole. Like you asked.. now a deal is a deal, so hand over the girl." A random guy said to King. The room grew even more silent. Literally, you could hear a pin drop. Istg, everybody was holding their breath. "Mylen.. Eve.." King said. "Who wanna go first? Ion got all day either." Skipping over the subject. Meanwhile, I was eyeing Mílan.. She was awkwardly standing between two of the guards. I didn't know how to feel but one thing I did know was I'm punching her shit in. Bitches gonna see me tonighhhht and that's that on that, fuck. King spoke again "Time's up! Eve, I suggest you get your lies together. Otherwise.. I just might kill you're ass." Evelyn, looked scared.. like truly afraid for her life. A little part of me fault bad for her, I'm not gonna lie but then again she not my mother so does it matter? My thoughts was cut short by Eve. "Ok fine, Need to know personnel only." She said. "Ohhhh this shit finna be juicyyy" Rell dumb ass said, rubbing his hands together smiling. "Yo, ass can't never be serious g." King laughed adding, "But yeah.. get your bitch ass weak ass people up out my shit."

After, all the unnecessary people was gone, it was down to business or the "truth" rather. "Okay so where do you want me to start?" Eve questioned. Looking between both me and King. He pointed to me, "asked her." He simply said. "It's all about her." I'm not gonna lie, that just shook me. We only been texting since, the party and that was a month and some change ago.. almost 2. But then again.. not really cause I kinda thought he had something to do with Evelyn and her shit. "Well, if I get to pick how things is gonna go" I paused, really thinking about what I wanted to do. "I want Mylen to go first. I know he's not going to lie, that way Evelyn has no choice." King nodded and Mylen began talking while pulling out envelopes. 6 of them to exact,

First he told me, how Evelyn got me as her daughter.. "she kidnapped you from New York, when her feud with your birth father got too deep. She even enslaved your mother as your nanny." He paused for a second, "Don't worry, she's safe. I got her before we grabbed Mílan." He hurried out before I could say anything. I felt better after hearing that.. I also felt shitty because I never once thought about Gina, since I been in lock up for the past week.

Then, he handed me an envelope with actually baby pictures of myself. I never seen me as a baby, only as an toddler. I could've cried. I must've looked at 12 pictures of myself before King cleared his throat saying it was time to move on. I nodded and put the pictures back in the envelope with the rest of the pictures. Mylen handed me an second envelope, this one showing pictures of Ari and Evelyn. They looked effortless happy together. After flipping through all of their pictures, I felt a wave of jealousy wash over me. Before, Rell handed me yet another Envelope, this one being all about Mílan. I flipped through a couple of her photos before I snapped, "One picture is worth an thousand words, this shit can mean anything." I said, while emptying the rest of them out the envelope. "This shit pointless g, she not even paying attention." Mylen said, to King. "Maybe if you get to the point nigga this ain't no picture story." Rell said mugging Mylen. I nodded in agreement. "Ight, fuck y'all basically what's going on is, Mílan and Nicole are fraternal twin sisters. Eve separated them at birth after a bitter feud with the Ace family went too far. Sammy bitch ass had ties to the Ace family, his snake ass supposed to be y'all uncle, he said pointing between Mílan and myself. Instead, he sided with Eve and they soon welcome a beautiful baby girl named Arianna, into the world. Everything was everything for 15 years until Mílan popped up unknowingly bring mayhem with her." Mylen hurried out. "That's a bunch of bullshit." I said, "the bitch isn't a sister of mines." Eyeing Milan.

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