Emily pulled me onto her lap, while trying to comfort me. I fell asleep in her arms after an hour or so of crying.

I woke up the morning with no Emily in sight. I found the cooking lady starting breakfast, of eggs and toast, in the kitchen. I ran up the stairs, taking them two at a time, to see if anyone else was awake. I opened the bedroom door, to find four girls in different processes of getting up. Some just sitting on their beds, looking lost, others stretching at the foot of their bed. The auburn girl wasn't even close to getting out of bed, with her head stuffed underneath her blankets.

"Hey, where were you?" the always cheerful Abby asked.

"I fell asleep on the couch downstairs." She raised a questioning eyebrow, but didn't proceed with an interrogation. She just started to get ready.

I pulled on a pair of dark jeans from the suitcase. Now for a shirt. I searched all around trying to find a shirt, when I came across a pink bag that still held the clothes Kathleen had given to me. I dumped the bag onto my bed, revealing a cute off the shoulder scarlet top with a large cracked black heart on the front. Appropriate top, huh? I pulled it on, and found my black nearly knee high boots to pair with the outfit.

I put on a light layer of makeup, but a lot of black eyeliner on my waterline to really make my eyes pop. My hair I left in it's natural waves for. I felt ready to go, so I grabbed my bag and headed down.

I was the last one to reach the table, so when I entered every girl turned to stare. I awkwardly took my seat by Emily. Emily stood up, and introduced me.

"This is Eliana. She will be staying with us for a while." Short and to the point. Oh Emily, how I've missed you.

Sitting down at the table, pushing around my eggs on my plate, I realized that something had changed inside of me. The way that my heart felt empty, it was different than usual. It no longer ached for my mate, only for my family. What had happen to me had put things into perspective for me. I realized that I no longer yearned for my mate, all I cared for was my family.

With this change of heart I realized how much I was pissed at my mate. He yelled at me, and then went off and slept with some bimbo. Probably just to make himself feel better. Oh I was going to make him suffer now. I smirked down at my breakfast before eating it all up. I must have realized this this morning, which is why I must have dressed this way.

Once breakfast was over, I ran upstairs to go grab my i-pod that I had forgotten by my bed. The other girls were all rushing around the room, finishing up. I then followed them down , and out the door? We never left without Emily, who would always drive us to school. I noticed that we were heading over to another group of teens waiting at the corner of the street.

"Where are we going?" I asked Abby.

"Waiting for the bus of course," She said before grabbing my arm and pulling me up to a girl waiting at the stop.

"Hey Abby," the girl waved. "Who's this?" She asked.

Everyone, all 8 other people, at the bus stop turned around to look at me.

"This is Eliana, she just arrived last night."

One of the girls at the stop looked me up and down like a piece of meat. When her eyes landed on my face, I raised an eyebrow at her. She flipped a lock of stick straight light brown hair, before giving me a sickly sweet smile.

"It's nice to meet you Eliana. I'm Jenna," She said holding out her hand for me to shake. I glared at it, so she dropped it before marching away to that girl in the orphanage that looked like a valley girl.

I then turned around to face the road, completely ignoring everything around me. After a few minutes of this I got fed up, and sat down on the sidewalk by the girl with the auburn hair.

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