I heard the voice again. It was becoming clearer and louder.

"Guys, stop messing around you have to be able to hear that? Can you make out what it is saying?"

Alistair looked to Elder Ryann, "What isn't slurred speech a sign of a stroke?" he asked concerned.

Elder Ryann's eyes widened, "Yeah, but she isn't drooping. Uh, damn it!"

I looked around so confused. What were they talking about I was fine? I knew what I was saying. It sounded fine to me.

Alistair leaned into Elder Ryann and whispered something. I was able to catch the words "...happened before..."

Elder Ryann cursed under her breath, "Pull over!"

The driver agreed to her command and the tires of the car screeched right outside the walls. Elder Ryann hopped out of the car yelling.

"What's going on?" I ask Alistair.

"It's going to be okay, Eve. We're just concerned for you. I don't know if you can tell, but what you are saying makes no sense. Like what you just said, whatever it was sounded like this; no what's go? I'm not sure what you mean by that, so we are just worried you hit your head," he sighed pulling at his hair, "um, can you- ugh no. I don't know how I can ask you."

Everything he was saying was confusing. I always spoke normally. I just continued staring at him with wide eyes. We established talking wasn't gonna help. But what was? I assumed Elder Ryann had gone to get a doctor, but how was that gonna help?

Alistair suddenly gasped, "I got it! Nod if you hit your head when you fell out of the wall."

I furrowed my brow. Had I? I think I did when I fell. I nodded my head vigorously, but then I shrugged. I just wasn't sure.

Alistair nodded back and muttered something to himself. He didn't look happy about what he decided.

Soon, Elder Ryann came back to the car with a male doctor in tow. She looked to be filling him in on what happened when she opened the door.

"Elder Ryann I tried asking her what happened, but she can't answer well. I think," Alistair took a deep breath, "I think we need to ask Cade. We need to bring him here."

Elder Ryann looked like she wanted to immediately say no to the idea.

That's when I heard the voice again.

"You could kill them all. Turn on the car and hit them. They're not telling you the truth."

How could the voice say that? Who was saying that? But the voice wasn't wrong. I knew they weren't telling me about a lot of things. But I couldn't kill them!

"No," I said firmly to the voice.

"Yes," It said, "They're watching you. They are going to do something bad. You must kill them first."
"No, that's wrong!" I shouted thrashing inside of the car.

I made contact with a few things, but I could feel anything anymore. I just heard the voice. It was getting softer and I was getting tired. This time it said something different though.

Evelyn, I don't know if you can hear me, but what's happening to you, it's not real. I don't know what you're seeing but none of it's real. Please come back to me. I need you shortie. I can live without you Eve.
Everything was a blur after what the voice said. It didn't speak anymore though. I was asked many questions by countless people. Well, that was until Cade showed up.

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