Once in a Blue Moon- New Chapters

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This is chapters 1-19, reformatted into chapter 1-3.... I'm still posting the new parts, so if you've aready read the other stuff, its exactly the same stuff.... I'm just keeping the chapter names with this from now on! Sorry for any confusion! Loves!!! xoxoxoxxoxox


Once in a Blue Moon


To be or not to be. Is that really the question? I have come to find no. The better question, I have discovered, is to love or not to love, or, even better yet, whom to love and whom not to love. I think that is the true question.

Chapter 1- Maggie

I was eleven and had just gotten home from my last day of school at Forks Elementary in Forks, Washington. Next year I would finally be free of the boring place, and off to Forks Middle School. This was the only school system in my tiny hometown, so I would see all of my friends, and not-so-friends, again next year. Or so I thought. This fantasy flew out the window when I picked up the phone.

“Hello?” I asked. My mother responded

“Hi Maggie.” The phone went fuzzy, one of the minor inconveniences of living in a small town. I sighed, and waited for the phone to reconnect. I scanned the woods outside my tiny house for anything unusual. I looked around my tiny, cheerful kitchen with yellow cabinets. The phone finally reconnected, and I heard my mom whisper,

“Honey, you’re moving.”

"What?” I asked, very confused.

“You’re moving with your Aunt and Uncle in Los Angeles. Your father and I just witnessed a bank robbery, and were shot trying to contact the police. Your father died before the ambulance came, and the EMTs say I don’t have much longer. Pack your bags, Maggs. Take everything and anything you want. Transfer our money to your account. Our pin is 64258 and yours is 61724.” I hurried to scratch these numbers down. I suddenly noticed a wet dot on the sheet and realized my eyes were in danger of brimming over. I merely muttered

“Uh huh.”

“Good,” my mom answered, sniffling. I realized she was about to brim over as well, but she didn’t want to make my day any more stressed. As if that could happen.

“Be safe, okay?” She asked. I muttered,

“’Kay,” as I remembered my history of falling, bruising, and being clumsy.

“You’ve got a flight at three o’clock tomorrow afternoon, okay? It’s flight 3018. Your Aunt will send the tickets to your email." I hurried to scratch the numbers down as my mom whispered,

“I love you honey. We’ll always be with you. Goodbye.” Click. The phone disconnected and read “Call Ended.” I think I cried for two hours straight. When I finally sat up from the lumpy couch with dry eyes, I considered what to pack. I went to my room to gather my favorite clothes and my guitar. I don't know if I could ever play it again. The acoustic had been a gift from my parents- signed by all of my friends- for my tenth birthday. I also went to my mom’s room for some clothes to grow into. I grabbed some Schroder family knickknacks, and all the books in the house. I decided to take advantage of UPS after seeing how many boxes and bags I had packed. I called the bank, and in my most professional voice, had the money wired to my account. I then went to bed, exhausted. In the dream I remember, nothing in my world was right, and I had no way to fix it.

I woke up tired and grumpy, probably from a night of tossing and turning. I ate breakfast and got changed just as the airport shuttle arrived. I grabbed the couple bags I didn’t UPS and sat down on the warm, baby blue bus. I said a silent goodbye to my house, my friends, and my memories.

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