Chapter 18: Adventure's Eve

Start from the beginning

Somehow, Mimi knew how much feed a mule needed by its weight, as well as how much each person needed in their rations. She wrote up calculations on the page for each person, being careful to overestimate rather than underestimate their needs. Rubi already had a good idea of what supplies to get committed to memory, but it was reassuring to have Mimi check it all over and confirm she had done a good job.

They went through the list from top to bottom, until finally their food arrived and Mimi was satisfied everything had been counted up appropriately.

"You did an excellent job, Captain." Mimi said. "We will be set for the first week of travel with ease. We will stock up again at each rest stop to stay ahead of our needs."

Out came the waitresses with their swishing black locks and laden with platters. The table was laid with flatbreads, rice, pickles and curries. The two crews dove right in because it was quite late now and they were all hungry.

"Kira, what's a good name for Kage's mule?" Rubi asked across the table.

He thought for a moment, chewing his goat curry thoughtfully.

"Fiore. Works for any gender. It means flower."

"Kage, your mule is now called Fiore." she decided.

"He doesn't need a name." Kagemaru sighed. "If he doesn't respond to it, it's not his name."

"You've clearly never owned a cat." Zodwa laughed.

"Can I name ours?" Sama asked gingerly, looking up at Kai.

"Of course you can." he replied warmly. "What would you like to name it?"

"Is it a boy mule or a girl mule?"

"I don't know. Have you asked?"

"No." she said. Her eyes widened. "Should I go ask?"

"I don't think you need to, but why not pick a name that anyone can have?"

"Hmm." she said, thinking carefully. "Well, I think any name can belong to anyone. So I should just pick a name I think they would like."

"That's a great idea." Zodwa said proudly, stirring their tea.

"Iria. That was my avoa's name."

"What does 'avoa' mean?" Rubi asked.

"My nai's nai."

"Oh. Her mother's mother." Kai explained. "Your grandmother, Sama."

"As in, Iria the Seer?" Gaku asked suddenly. He looked completely shocked. "Your grandmother is Iria the Seer?"

Sama nodded innocently.

"Who's that?" Rubi asked. "Someone famous?"

"Very." Gaku said seriously. "She was a very significant figure in Casaemos about a hundred years ago. Casaemos used to be a northern state of my home country, Miñacasa, before separating as their own nation. Both nations used to speak the same language, Xacasa, but now almost everyone speaks Caló. Iria could predict the future with near perfect accuracy."

"So she was a Collector?" Rubi supposed.

"No, not exactly." Gaku said. "Foresight is a gift passed down directly. Their children inherit it exactly as the parent had it, unlike Collectors, if they get it at all. It doesn't spontaneously appear like we can. Iria came from several generations of well-known seers. They were celebrated for their gift, probably because it was useful."

"Have you ever seen the future, Sama?" Rubi asked the little girl, uncertain if she wanted to know the answer.

"I'm not sure." she said honestly. "But I get good feelings about people sometimes. Like Kai. I knew he was good when I saw him."

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