Chapter 1 - Homecoming

Start from the beginning

“Yeah, let’s get you inside.”

And just like that, things seem to be fine between us and I feel a little better. Just a little bit.

He leads the way towards my room and I think I just might die of a panic attack. He settles my suitcases down in my old room as I look around and notice nothing has been moved from its place.

“You should thank Carmen later. I know for a fact she was in here for hours, fixing up your closet and such. Apparently, you left quite a mess in here,” Nico tells me.

I already feel a bit guilty leaving my room the way I did. All I remember is picking up two suitcases and frantically shoving the first things I could find inside. I didn’t even bother picking anything up or checking to see what I had left behind.

“Oh, she didn’t have to do that,” I respond. Now there’s no way I can move to another room as I had originally planned.

Nico sits on my bed and it makes me feel more at ease, just seeing him there as if it were an everyday occurrence. He’s looking at me strangely though, as if trying to figure out if I’m really here to stay.

“I really missed you, Sofia. Like probably more than what’s considered normal. It pretty much sucked here the entire time you were gone,” he says quietly.

His words mean a lot to me, as he’s not one to usually engage in a heart to heart conversation. If he does, he usually tacks on a joke at the end or makes some type of random comment to smooth it over, but this time he just said what he wanted to say and nothing else.

“I missed you too, Nico. I’m sorry I was gone for so long.”

He nods at me, and I can’t help but notice he looks hurt. He never once said anything to me like that, but I can see it in his eyes. I know what he’s feeling because I felt exactly the same at not having my twin by my side. I just wish I hadn’t been the one to cause all this.

“Um, so I’ll let you settle in. I have a few friends over. I left them in the game room a while ago, so I better check on them. You should come down once you’re done.”

I idly wonder if Adrian is one of his friends with him, but I don’t dare ask him. “Okay,” I tell him, knowing there’s no way in hell I’m going down there.

He gives me another tight hug and before I know it, I’m left alone in my room. It’s a room that should feel familiar and safe as it’s the same one I’ve lived in for eighteen years, but it feels the complete opposite to me. It’s foreign and unsettling. It’s at this moment where I almost regret coming back here again, but I remind myself for the millionth time that I’m a new person and that person is meant to be strong.

I quickly unzip my suitcases and start unpacking my clothes, putting my jeans back on the empty hangers and folding my shirts in place inside the drawers of my closet. At least this will make the decision seem a bit more permanent.

I can’t believe I start classes again tomorrow. It’ll be the first day of the spring semester, but it certainly doesn’t feel like spring as it’s the middle of January. At least they say the weather can only get better from here. I feel so unprepared though. I remember I haven’t even printed out my schedule and I barely know what classes I’ll be taking. I don’t even have a map of the campus, but hopefully Nico can show me around. I hope it’s not too complicated.

Once I’m finished unpacking, I settle my suitcases against the wall and set up my laptop at my desk. I wait for the Mac to connect to the internet, but I’m prompted with a sign that says incorrect password. I secretly curse at Nico. He would always make a point of switching it all the time, as if someone was going to infiltrate our network. The closest house to us is at least five minutes away, so unless it’s the Spanish government, I see no point in being so paranoid about it.

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