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A/N please note that all my chapters are un-edited so i'm sorry if there are any mistakes. Enjoy :)


Penelope had gotten a new job at this little diner as a sous-chef on the afternoons. And during the mornings she was at school. This meant Savannah had a ghost-empty apartment all to herself for half of the day. It was getting boring. And lonely. She had to find something to do with her time, with her life. The thought of going back to her choreography pained her.

The day was beautiful, the spring sun lighting the vibrant green trees and newly bloomed flowers. Savannah could not stand staying inside any longer, so she threw on a pair of jogging pants and running shoes, grabbed her earphones and went out for a run, desperate to get her body moving in any form.

Savannah ran through the neighborhood's park. The same park where she met Josh. She quickly shook away the thought, praying she wouldn't bump into him.

As the length of the park ended, Savannah crossed the street, running along the sidewalk, with shops blurring by. She slowed down to a light jog as the tempting smell of baked goods wafted by.

Following the smell of heavenly, fresh baked bread and rich-sweet chocolate, Savannah found herself in front of a small bakery, the run-down sign above her head reading: "La vie est sucré" It was the smallest, cutest french bakery, the size much like that of a rabbit hole.

She couldn't believe she's never seen it before, it was only 3 blocks away from her apartment.

There weren't many people in line so she got to the cashier fairly quick.

Behind the cash register was a girl, around Sav's age, or maybe older. Her long, pin-straight, brunette hair up in a high ponytail. "Hello." Said the girl whose name tag read "Camille."

Her 'Hello', sounding more like an 'Ello'.

"Hi, uh, can I have a white berry blend tea please?" Savannah ordered, debating on whether or not she should order a pastry.

"Yes of course!" Chirped Camille, her french accent thick. "Would that be all?"

"I'd also like the pain au chocolat?" She struggled with the pronunciation.

The girl, Camille, chuckled, punching the order into the rusty vintage-looking, cash register. "Alors that will be six dollars." She said, handing Sav a hot to-go cup of tea, along with a brown paper bag with her chocolate bread. "Thank you!" Said Savannah, handing her the money before walking out of the shop, an "Au revoir!" called behind her.

She made her way back, carefully sipping on her scorching-hot tea.

The day glowed bright blue; the sky infinite, without a single scattered cloud around. There was still a slightly cold breeze, the only remnant of a winter-past.

That was one of the best things about the little town of Oakheart; the weather.

Winter went by fast, the cold, white nights passing in flashes of movie marathons and hot cocoa. The holidays weren't much of a big deal here but people still liked decorating for them. Penny happened to be jewish and as Chanukah was most of the times around the same time as Christmas, they liked celebrating it together.

They liked calling their little combined holiday: "Christmukah". They put up a christmas tree with tiny dreadels and fairy lights decorating it and a fake menorah on top with a silver star placed on the middle of it.

It was a sight to behold. Sav didn't grow up religious so Christmas was more of a family get together than anything else. On the other hand Penny's family was pretty orthodox so they usually went over to her house to sing songs, light the menorah and eat the sugary doughnuts her mother made. This year was different, since Penelope went with her family on holiday and Savannah stayed at her mom and step-dad's.

Sav bobbed her head to the blasting music that poured out of her earphones, completely oblivious to anything or anyone around her. This caused her to bump shoulders with a couple of grunting, unhappy people. They'll get over it. Her mood was finally brightening up and she would not let some sour pedestrians change it. She took a last gulp from her tea before throwing out the cup and crossing the street. In her state of oblivion Savannah forgot to look both ways, a loud honk brought her back to reality, scaring the shit out of her.

She looked up at the car that almost ran her over and her jaw dropped at the sight in front of her. Her heart was beating frantically in her rib-cage and she couldn't breathe properly.

The first thing that came to her mind was; run. So she did. She bolted the rest of the way home, faintly hearing her name yelled after her. But she didn't stop until she was right in front of her apartment building.


As Josh was driving home his mind raced with different thoughts and ideas of how to find this girl; This girl that somehow managed to capture his attention with only one quick encounter; This girl that got his heart beating faster than running cheetahs hunting prey.

His brain was now made of jelly, making it impossible to form coherent thoughts. As the stoplight turned green, Josh pressed on gas almost racing down the empty road.

He halted abruptly when a very distraught girl crossed his path. He honked loudly, angry that this person could be so careless to cross the road without looking. The girl looked up from where she was staring at the ground below her, her eyes widening in realization. Josh's own eyes widened in at the sight of the girl in front of him. "Savannah!" He rolled down his window, the fresh evening breeze slapping his senses. But he was too late. Again.

Savannah had bolted, running out of his line of vision. Angry honking cars brought him out of his daze.

He sped up, groaning in frustration. She had walked away from him for the second time.

He had to let go of her. He didn't even know her! It was just a little crush. An small infatuation with the beautiful stranger he met on a park bench. He'll get over it. It was just a superficial attraction. Right? 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2019 ⏰

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