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When Josh got home, the apartment was empty. His roommate was probably out doing god- knows what. So he went over to the couch, ordered some pizza and watched Netflix the whole night.
But nothing could get his mind off of the golden-eyed, curly-haired goddess he had just met an hour ago.

A bang of the door woke him up from his uncomfortable but deep sleep on the sofa.
He got up on his feet and went to grab a bat. He stopped on his tracks when he saw who the shadowed figure was. It was the one and only: Noah. A.k.a his idiotic roommate.
"Dude, why are you coming home so fucking late?" He rubbed his eyes, trying to adjust his vision.
"I was at my girl's. And it's only 11pm bro." Noah walked over to the counter, dropping his keys and wallet. "You look like shit, man. You ok?"

"Yeah. No. I don't know." He scratched his neck, letting out a sigh.

"Wanna talk about it?" Noah asked with a frown.

"Nah, bro. I'm going to sleep." He walked into his room, rubbing his sore shoulder and crashed into the bed, burying his head under his blanket and pillows.

He tossed around, not being able to fall asleep. He was exhausted but his mind wouldn't shut up. Savannah. Sav. Sav. When he was finally able to fall asleep an obnoxiously loud sound woke him up. It was beeping non-stop and he had no idea where it was coming from.  "Noah shut that thing off!" He yelled, pulling his pillows onto his head.
"NOAH GODDAMNIT!" He burst groaning into the pillow. He heard Noah yell a "Sorry" back before the noise stopped. He sighed, getting up and checking his watch. It was only 7- fucking-am. Which meant he had around 3 hours of sleep.
He went to the bathroom to take a piss and brush his teeth before going out to murder Noah for waking him up so early on a Saturday.

"What the fuck are you doing dude?" Josh entered the living room to find a panting Noah lying on the floor. "And what was that fucking alarm that woke me up?!"

"The alarm was to wake me up. Sorry about that. And I'm working out what else would I be doing?" He breathed out.
Joshua burst out laughing. "Working out?" He laughed some more. "When have you ever worked out in your life?"

"Hey! Stop laughing." Noah flexed his non-existent biceps. "I-I workout!"

"Yeah right. Go back to your push-ups maybe you'll stop having chicken arms." He smiled and walked into the kitchen; it was an open kitchen that connected to the living room with a counter-bar separating them.  "I'm still gonna kill you for waking me so damn early!" He yelled in Noah's general direction.
Josh opened the fridge looking for something to make for breakfast.
"Noah, when was the last time we went to get groceries?" He yelled, his head poking out of the fridge.
"What?!" Noah yelled back.

"I said there's no food, ya deaf man." Josh rolled his eyes, taking out an almost empty carton of orange juice. He chugged it down, throwing the tetra-pack away when he finished.

"I'm gonna go grab something to eat from the bakery. Wanna come?" He walked out of the kitchen. He looked down at Noah who was now doing (or trying to do) crunches, he was sweating buckets.

"No..." Pant. "Thanks, man..." Pant. "I'm going to eat breaky with Penn." He stops his crunches, and gasps for air. He was really out of condition.

"Who was Penn again?" Josh joked.

"Ha ha. She's my girlfriend."

"Girlfriend?" He raised an eyebrow. "Have you asked her out... officially?"

"I mean, not officially, officially but we are dating. I think." Noah now had a horrified look on his face.

"It'll be fine, dude. You guys are gonna end up getting married." He gave Noah a pat on the back and walked away, into his room. He threw on some jeans, a clean tee-shirt, and his chuck-taylors, he grabbed his car-keys, wallet and phone and headed out.
"I'm leaving!" He shouted before walking out of the door and locking it behind him.

He arrived at his favourite bakery: "La vie est sucré" He walked in, the little bell above the door chiming. It was a little french bakery that had the best pastries in town. He stood in line, with five people in front of him. He already knew what he was gonna order. He always ordered the same things; One big Café au lait with soy milk and either a croissant au beurre or a pain au chocolat. He found himself in front of the cashier. Josh already knew her because of how much he comes here. "Bonjour Camille! Ça va?"
"Joshua! Ça va, et toi? Vous voulez le régulier?"
"Je suis bien, merci. Et ouais je veux mon café au lait et un croissant. emm pourriez-vous ajouter deux éclairs et trois macarons, s'il te plait?"  He gave her a smile. His stomach rumbling at the smell of freshly baked pastries.
"Bien sûr!" She said before asking him the flavours and putting them in a little box.
He paid Camille, taking his scalding hot coffee and bag of pastries.
"Au revoir!"
"A bientôt!"

Josh sat in his car,sipping on his hot coffee and occasionally munching on his croissant-- as he contemplated on where to go next. He didn't want to go back to his apartment since Noah was probably out and he'd be bored out of his mind. He didn't have either work or school since it was saturday. Josh's eyes lit up. He pressed his gas and drove out of the parking lot.
He knew where he was going.

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