Meeting the Brothers

Start from the beginning

After noting the distance, I suddenly spotted two figures emerge from the obstructing jungle and approach the crossroads from the left fork in the road.

'Oh, those are the first people I've seen on this road so far. I wonder where they're headed.' I hummed.

Luffy seemed to notice the figures too because he stopped in his tracks and grinned in their direction.

"Hey, there they are! We finally found 'em! Shishishi~!" He said with his unique, yet contagious, giggle.

I looked back and forth between Luffy and the distant figures, "Wait, those are your brothers over there?"

"Yeah!" Luffy confirmed with a nod before he slowly took in a deep breath, his torso feeling like it was expanding far more than it probably should have.

"OI! SABO! ACE!" Luffy shouted at the top of his lungs, making me cover my ears to block the sound and the two figures to snap their heads in our direction.

"LOOK! I FOUND THE HUMAN!" He continued to shout with a grin before he started sprinting towards them with me in his arms.

*3rd P.O.V.*

The man in the light blue dress shirt, dark blue vest, and white cravat adjusted the goggles on his head as he walked alongside his brother. The freckled man wore a plain short-sleeved orange shirt that was left open to show his muscled torso, a pair of black cargo shorts, and his signature red-beaded necklace. The blond man was quite annoyed at the moment and frowned at the freckled man beside him, who was keeping his head on a swivel in search for their younger brother.

"Dammit, Ace, I told you Luffy wouldn't have gone down to East Dock." The blonde man sighed with a slow shake of his head.

"Well, I'm sorry that I'm not psychic!" The freckled man complained, being just as annoyed as the blond.

"Besides, you were the one who broadcasted that the new humans have arrived! If you just kept it to yourself, then this wouldn't have happened!" He pointed out.

He glared sharply at Ace, "Are you seriously trying to pin this on me?! He would have found out anyway! And what was I supposed to do: Not say a word and let it be a surprise?! Then we all get caught because the humans saw you or Luffy in your true forms because you didn't know!"

Ace went to mumble incoherently, before sighing deeply.

"Look, let's just forget about it, okay? I'm getting more mad just talking about it!" He groaned, before dragging his knuckles down his cheeks in agitation.

"You'd better keep a cool head; We wouldn't want you losing your temper and exploding." The blond grumbled under his breath.

It would be quite unfortunate if Ace were to lose his temper here--he might just destroy the entire forest. And that was attention that they didn't need with humans somewhere on the island.

"Yeah, you're right..." Ace nodded softly, before turning to the blond.

"Speaking of the humans, did you get the chance to see what they looked like?" He asked him.

He shook his head, "No, I wasn't able to get a better look with Luffy hanging all over me. Then we had to chase him so I didn't get the chance. However... I know there were two of them for sure..."

"Just two? This has to be the lowest number we've ever gotten!" He complained, going to pout, before smirking mischievously.

"Say, Sabo... what do you say we have the humans to ourselves, heh?" He elbowed the blond.

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