His ears turned red. His black jacket were fluttering along his way to the quidditch field. In this early morning, that field will be emptied but, there might be a captain who will prepare their equipment for their practice later on.

"A pathetic mudblood girl! You deserve to be punished. I know that you steal the book that night! I should've told Professor Snape about this!", Namjoon whispered to himself while he grasped his wand tighter.

Suddenly, he heard a buzzy noise lingering around him but, it was very fast. He couldn't see what was it. It was a gold-ish flying ball with wings. However, he acted as if it didn't even bother him. He continued his way to sit under this big tree that Aurobella loved to spend her time at.

He sat there, waiting for the clock until it was 8 a.m. But now, "it's too early, too cold and too boring!", he said as the petals falling onto his clothes.

Again the gold-ish creature flew surrounding him. As it landed on his shoulder, he picked it up. Turned out, it was a golden snitch. Namjoon picked it up, "Why is it here? Are they practicing now", he asked himself. But, no one was there beside him.

And it's almost 8 am sharp. He got up and, the golden snitch still on his hand. He was curious about the owner.

Later on, a guy chased him from behind and he was Marcus Flint, the Slytherin quidditch captain. Not going to be mean but, he is very immature. He seized the snitch from Namjoon's hand and didn't thank him. "Your teeth are bigger than my future, dude", Namjoon whispered, wishing that Marcus didn't hear him but indeed he did. He spun and pushed Namjoon out of sudden. Namjoon admitted that it was such a waste. He tried to walk away instead of standing there and fight with him. An immature boy like Marcus Flint kept on pushing Namjoon until he fell on the ground. Marcus laughed and his big teeth showed up. He didn't walk away afterwards, thus he poured dirt on Namjoon's jacket making him even mad.

Namjoon stood up, took out his wand and pointed it towards Marcus. His anger had dominated him and without waiting any longer, "rictusempra", he said.

The golden snitched fell on the ground and flew away, Marcus' face turned red and his eyes started to get teary. He laughed and couldn't stop laughing causing his stomach to hurt. "Stop it, you weirdo!", Marcus begged. He started to fell on the ground, rubbing his stomach, begging Namjoon to stop but instead, he walked away without any mercy given to Marcus.


"Kim Namjoon!", yelled Jin who was watching the whole incident.

Namjoon was shocked as he pointed his wand towards Jin. At the same time, he was concious that Jin will spread to the whole school about what happened.

"W-w-why are you here?", he stuttered.

"Well, I am looking for someone but I got distracted because I heard someone's laughing",

"And what's with the wand?",

"Did the wand just detect the handsomeness of this face?", he giggled.

Namjoon put his wand back and tried to step away. Thinking that Jin didn't know what just happened. "I think I have to go and you should help me to make that guy stop laughing",

"Kim Namjoon... Do you think that I don't know what just happened?", Jin smirked.

"Well, he deserved it! He started it all first!", Namjoon said.

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