Chapter 2

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Song of the day:

"Flares" by The Script

Chapter 2

Minho P.O.V


            “Thomas, we have to go!” I shout through the chaos. I yank Thomas by the arm several times, but he stays immobilized. Great! This buggin’ shank is going to kill us all. I pull harder.


Thomas P.O.V


            I cannot divert my attention from above. I feel someone pull me; push me, trying to drag me away, I think its Minho.

            I’m so sorry, I tried to protect you, everyone! But I failed terribly! So many have died, and for what?! You died for no reason! You died for me, for everyone, to have a better life, but what I failed to realized is that you cannot have a good life here, not in this world. I never got to tell you how much I loved you, and how much you meant to me. I was such a jerk, consumed by anger at you, and you stood by me as a friend the whole time. I’m so sorry.

            What’s the point of living?! Alby was right. I should have killed myself; we all should have, to prevent all of us from enduring such excruciating anguish.

            Chuck died protecting me, to help save all of us, when we were already dead. They declared me as some savior, the one that can save the world from its self. However, I can’t even save the ones I love.

            Newt was, is, the true warrior. He stayed to help, to fight, even though he knew his time was coming short, and in return I killed him. I can still hear his fragile voice, full of innocence, and despair, “If you were a true friend, you would have killed me.”

            But you’re wrong Newt. If I was a true friend, I wouldn’t have let you die that way, all alone, and so cold. I would have held you, and mourn you. I would have looked you straight in the eyes and told you, “I love you.” I would have told you, “Goodbye,” but where is the good, in goodbye.

            A vigorous slap to my face makes me agile, almost causing me to fall on my face, but Minho steadies me, and we start running.

            I never thought I would have to run for my life again, I’m such an idiot.

            I run by everything, everyone, and realized they are going to die. They look up to me as their savior, and what an amazing savior I am. I could never save them in the first place. Everything is blurred and my face is wet. Everything is in slow motion, and I’m having trouble deciphering the sounds around me. I have no idea where am running to, but I just run, because I know that’s the only thing am good at.

            “Minho,” I croak out, “Where are we going?”

            “On the berg,” he responds back so nonchalantly, like this doesn’t faze him.

            “Why?” I choke out in fright, as the world spins around me hazily.

            Minho swallows hard, “Because we won’t make it out alive if we fight back, so we must surrender.”

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