Not Quite an Update

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A.N.: After ramming my head against the wall known as writers block for the past half a year with this story, I've decided to officially take a break and focus on other projects. This way I can actually update while I'm trying to figure out what to do. So this story will be put on hiatus, I apologize for taking so long to announce it. Below is various ideas I had for the story.

I rocket to my feet, chest heavy and an incessant ringing in my ears. Pressing against the wall, I glance about the room. It takes a few minutes for the blinding, white, sterile walls to be replaced by the calming peach walls settled in comforting darkness. Forcing myself to breathe, I grab a water bottle from the nightstand. I groan, plopping onto the bed and clutching my bunny to my chest. "A nightmare, it's been a while since I had one of those. Maybe all this is getting to me."

 BLUE: Do you ever get a feeling of deja'vu, like we've done this before?

JAY: What, broke into someone's house? Or accidentally joined a group chat? Because both have happened before. High school was a crazy time, man.

BLUE: No, I mean like exactly this, like you feel like you know what's going to happen, this.

JAY: I think you're just being paranoid bro, I know you don't like going with the flow, but that doesn't mean a little adventure is gonna kill ya!

BLUE: Yeah, I

BLUE: Yeah

BLUE has left the chat

 "Inviting guests, huh? How do we go about that? V said they'd contact us but..."

 "Don't worry about it, bro, just leave it to me!"

 "Right... so we should probably do some background research to see what they like." Blue murmurs to himself, writing out a list.

 "What? Hey!"

 "What do you think of the others? Seven seems nice."

"Yeah but it seems like he knows more that he's letting on."

 "What about Jaehee?"

 "She seems really overworked. I don't think Jumin really gets all he's making her do."

 "I feel that, but it seems rude to just butt into their business."

"Really? Ms.Let's-Run-in-the-Direction-of-the-Gunshots doesn't want to interfere in other people's lives?"

"Shut up! What do you think about Yoosung?"

"He's nice, y'know. He seems like the kind of guy who would berate you for not taking video games seriously, but I mean he a cute kid."

"Cute, huh?"






There's a silence between the two.

"Wait, what were we talking about?"

"How you feel about Zen."

"Really? Because I feel like-"

"Nope, must've been your imagination."

 "Oh, okay."

707: That's some rather passive-aggressive jealousy lol

YOOSUNG: I'm not passive-aggressive!

707: So you admit to being jealous

JAY: He's like a guard dog

707: Guard puppy

BLUE: Guard chihuahua


BLUE: What? Chihuahuas are cute!

BLUE: You're cute

BLUE: You're both cute

JAY: Therefore Yoosung=Chihuahua by the Transitive Property


Thanks and sorry, once again to everyone whose followed the story and was waiting for an update. Please check out my other stories which I'll be putting up within the coming week. I already have the first chapters of an Attack on Titan x Reader story and a DRAMAtical Murder x OMC story up and two more in the works. Look forward to it and see you there my beautiful foxes!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2020 ⏰

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