"Baby, calm down. We'll all be there. She won't go anywhere alone. We'll get the entire crew to come too if it'll make you feel better. It would do you some good to get out too. Get your mind off what happened today." Tim kissed her temple.

"I'll call Abe and Nate and have them spread the word." Austin stated before hopping off the dresser and walking out into the hall.

"I'll call Adam and Rob." Chance stated before following the tenor.

"Kalene, I understand your fear and how traumatic today's incident was. I've seen video of your daughter at sixteen holding back a guy bigger than her to keep him away from her friend. I've seen video of your seventeen-year old daughter practically bashing someone's head into the table because they wouldn't leave her alone after she declined their advances politely.

I have faith that she can take care of herself. You should too. Do not let that jerk take your fierceness away from you. Don't let him make you afraid to go out. Don't let him instill fear in you. You're stronger than him, Kalene." Luke told her.

"What?" She finally looked over to the tall blond.

"You're stronger than him, Kalene. Don't let him win. He doesn't deserve that kind of power over you." Lukerepeated.

The entire band and crew convened downstairs to head to the place Luke wanted to go to together. Tim slipped his hand in Kalene's before lacing their fingers together. Adam stayed close to the couple as he talked with Genesis about gaming. Everyone else walked around them in a protective circle. Everyone had been informed of what had transpired earlier so they could help keep a look out for Genesis and Kalene.

Luke had called ahead and given the owner the number of people in their party so they could get tables situated for the group. Tim made jokes about beating his fiancé at pool making her smile shyly. Adam piped up and said they should play doubles. Tim & Kalene versus him and Genesis. Kalene giggled at the thought and said she welcomed the ass kicking making both men laugh. They finally made it to their destination where Luke opened the door for the two ladies.

There were thirteen people in their group and the waitress was very thankful for the heads up. She had menus set out already in preparation for their arrival and was already standing by when they arrived. They all found seats, Genesis sitting close to her mother with Adam sitting on her other side, and finally got their drink orders put in. Luke kept a close eye on Kalene hoping she'd relax and let loose instead of holding onto what had happened earlier in the day.

"We're here to have fun, remember?" Tim whispered before kissing her ear.

She couldn't help but smile at the sensation. Tim was doing his best to put the incident behind him as well. He'd made a pretty good point already with that Ted guy so he felt confident he wouldn't come around for a long time, if ever. Besides trying for court at least. Austin was telling a story of his cruise ship days making both the ladies laugh. Tim could only smile hearing their laughter. It was what was needed after the day's events. Laughter, relaxation, some fun.

After a little while, Tim asked if Adam and the girls were ready to play some pool. Genesis leaned around her mother and told him to "prepare to get your ass kicked!" making the entire table laugh. He just grinned as they all stood up. Adam was setting up the table so Tim slipped his arms around his fiancé's waist. She rested her hands on his hips as she looked up at him.

"I love you. I'll do anything to keep you both safe. I hope you know that." He quietly told her.

"I know. I appreciate it." She replied as she leaned against his chest, "I love you too."

"Ok guys and gals. Pick your sticks and let's play!" Adam announced making Genesis laugh.

"You're crazy!" She shook her headas they walked over to where the pool sticks were at.

The rest of the group watched the foursome playing pool, making jokes, and laughing. They discussed the incident and who they thought that guy really was to Kalene and Genesis. Clearly the older woman knew him but they wanted to know how. Old boyfriend? Old friend? Relative? Luke said there was no use in speculating and that if she wanted everyone to know, she'd have told them.

Despite wanting to know himself, he knew she'd tell them herself in time. Kalene's stomach began making noises after a few rounds making her daughter laugh. They made their way back to the table to look over the menus. Tim said they were getting hungry as Genesis' stomach began making noises this time making several people laugh. Abe waved their waitress over so the people who wanted to order food could. Half the party was ready to eat while the other half wasn't to her surprise.

The waitress took everyone's orders then hurried off to put it in. The guys kept the two ladies laughing with stories of the early days of the band, early tour stories, early childhood stories, and crazy things fans have done or given them. Drinks were shared, food was shared, several people played pool with both ladies. By the end of the night everyone was back in good spirits. Ted was at the back of their minds once again.

Around midnight they headed back to their hotel. Tim and Kalene once again wrapped up in one another. Adam, Nate, and Genesis talking movies. Everyone else having their own conversations. The pair made sure Genesis made it to her room safely where she hugged them both tightly, Nate a little longer than Adam, before thanking them for walking her to her room. Adam and Nate bid her good before she slipped back into her room.

Tim began kissing on Kalene's neck as she opened up their door. As it opened up, he began working on getting her out of her clothes making her giggle. He wanted her to end her day with something good. It started out good, he wanted to end it on a good note. Besides, they had a hotel and they didn't get that very often!

A/N: Yes, I'm leaving it there. We all know what they're doing ;) Think Ted's gonna cause problems? Let me know whatcha think in the comments below! Drop a vote while you're at it ;)

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