It's too late. Lost Hope

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23 days later, the remaining Avengers are at the compound including Rocket. Goku still didn't recover from what happened and he still blames himself for letting Thanos live long enough to Snap his fingers and the people he knew and cared disappear in front of him.

Steve would later shave himself, as he and Natasha did their best to comfort Goku as this is the first time he sees his in a state he would never expect or want to see him being: Depression and self-blame.

That night, a light starts to glow as the Avengers went outside to see Carol Danvers, Captain Marvel bringing in a ship. She lands it down, it opens and they see Tony walking down with Nebula. Steve went up to help him.

Tony: I couldn't stop him.

Steve: Neither could I.

Tony: I lost them.

Steve: Tony, we lost.

Pepper came to Tony.

Pepper: Oh my God. Oh my God.

Rocket sees Nebula alone, he knows what happened the other Guardians. Everyone is inside, looking at pictures of the fallen. Goku sees the pictures of Wanda, Pietro, Nick Fury, Maria Hill, and Peter Parker, someone he didn't know, but he would love to meet him. His heart just continues to break, as he felt responsible for those who disappeared into dust.

Rhodey: It's been 23 days since Thanos came to Earth.

Nat: World governments are in pieces. The parts that are still working are trying to take a census, and... He did exactly what he said he was going to do. Thanos wiped out... 50% of all living creatures.

Tony: Where is he now?

Steve: We don't know, he just opened up a portal and vanished.

Tony turns to see Goku silent, something he felt strange seeing him like this.

Tony: What's wrong with him?

Steve: He's depressed. He blames himself for Thanos snapping his fingers. We tried our best to tell him he's not responsible for this, but he continues to blame himself for it.

Tony just sighs in exhaustion and stunned that Goku is depressed.

Steve: We've been hunting Thanos for three weeks now. Deep space scans and satellites, and we got nothing. Tony, you fought him-

Tony: Who said that, I didn't fight him. No, he wiped my face with a planet while a Bleeker Street Magician gave away the stone. That's what happened, there was no fight.

Steve: Okay, did he give any clues, any coordinates?

Tony: I saw this coming a few years back, I had a vision, I didn't want to believe it. Now it's true.

Steve: Tony, I going to need you to focus-

Tony: And I 'needed' you, as in past tenses. That trumps what you need. It's too late, buddy. Sorry. You know what I need? You know what I need? I need a shave. I don't believe I ever remember telling you this...

Rhodey: Tony, Tony.

Tony: What we needed was a suit of armor around the world! Remember that? Whether that impacted our precious freedoms or not, that's what we needed!

Steve: Well, that didn't work out, didn't it?

Tony: I said we'd lose. You said, 'we'll do that together too'. Guess what, Cap. We lost, and you weren't there. But that's what we do, right? Our best work after the fact? We're the Avengers, not the Prevengers, right?

Rhodey: Okay, you made your point. Just sit down, okay?

Tony: Okay, no, no, here's my-

He gives a look at Carol.

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