Meeting Clint's Family. Facing Ultron

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After the events that transpired in Johannesburg, the Avengers sat in the Quinjet in silence, knowing for well that they failed to stop Ultron. Bruce apologized to everyone, including Goku but he told him he doesn't have to apologize since it really wasn't his fault. He's now resting on Natasha's lap after feeling exhausted from using his new form.

Now, everyone who heard about the destruction caused by the Avengers had begun a public backlash against them, forcing them to go into hiding. Then, Hawkeye took them to a location far from civilization, in a small farmhouse near a field. They landed the jet near the house and they got out as they followed him.

Goku: This place looks really nice. Peace. Quiet. Away from people who can get in your nerves and annoy you constantly.

Nat: You know, that's weird coming from a kid from outer space.

Goku just shrugs at her as they went inside the house and Clint calls out to someone. Then a woman appears, as she slowly smiles when she saw Clint and they hug each other. It was revealed that this is Clint's wife, Laura and later two kids appeared and ran to Clint giving him a big hug.

These two are Cooper and Lila, Clint's children as the others watch in surprise, except for Goku, who had some knowledge that Clint has a family before the others and Natasha since she knew his family as she gave a big hug to Lila.

Goku watches the scene with a smile on his face, liking this little reunion. Then, Thor steps on some legos, making Goku and Steve look at his as he sweeps them to the side. Then, Lila goes up to Goku, making him look at her.

Lila: Hi, I'm Lila.

Goku: I'm Goku. Nice to meet you, Lila. Your father's a good man, from what I know about him.

Lila smiles as she nods then looks up at Thor, as he looks down at her. Then, a while later, the toaster pops up and Thor walks out as Steve and Goku follow him.

Steve: Thor.

Thor: I was something in that dream. I need answers. I won't find it here.

He spins his Hammer and flies off, as Goku and Steve watch him fly away, before looking at each other in confusion.


Goku, Steve, and Tony are outside cutting wood, well only Steve and Tony as Goku just throws some wood to the sky and punches it to pieces. He listens to his father and Stark arguing about something but ignores it as he continues to breaks some wood.

Then, he sees Steve snapping a big piece into two as he glares at Tony.

Steve: Every time someone tries to win a war before it starts, innocent people die...every time.

Tony silently glares at him, before Laura calls him asking for repairing their tractor as he agrees and leaves. Goku watches him leave as he looks back at Steve.

Steve: Sorry you have to hear that, Goku.

Goku: It's alright. I'm used to ignoring arguments that are pointless to me, anyway.

Steve chuckles as he continues cutting wood.

Goku: What did you see, when Wanda hypnotized you?

Steve: I saw what could've happened if I wasn't buried in ice after stopping a plane full of bombs.

Goku: Geez. I couldn't imagine how you felt about it.

Steve: It's an experience you might face in the future, son.

Goku: I know. Hey dad.

Steve: Yes?

Goku: When I faced Hulk back at the city, I managed to get into my new hidden form and defeated Hulk.

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