Blast from the Past

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Bruce tells everyone what happened, how he came back to Earth and tells them he can go back to being Hulk.

Sam: So, you and Thor were attacked some Warlord and his group when heading to Earth?

Bruce: Yes. They were looking for the Tesseract, that contains another Infinity Stone in it and they slaughtered almost everybody in the ship we were in. I was sent through the Byfrost, so I couldn't see what happened to Thor.

Nat: We encountered two aliens in Scotland the night before.

Wanda: They tried to remove the stone Vision has on his forehead. They most be coming for the Mind Stone.

Steve: Who are they, Bruce?

Bruce: They're known as the-

Goku: Black Order.

Everyone turned to him, as they didn't expect him to answer something like that. Bruce was the most surprised, that Goku managed to know who this group was.

Bruce: How did you-

Goku: It makes sense. The two we encountered in Scotland were Proxima Midnight and Corvus Glaive, two of the Mad Titan, Thanos' children.

This surprised the team even more, and Bruce couldn't believe Goku knew Thanos and his children.

Bruce: How did you know Thanos, Goku?

Goku: I've known Thanos when he appeared on my planet when I was 4 years old.


The Saiyans, all classes, were notified by our king that someone important will be coming and we all grouped to meet this individual. My father, Bardock, has more respect from the King and we were there next to him as a ship flies down were we stand.

Once landing, the door opens, revealing a group of beings, unrelated to one another, then, later a tall, bulky, purple Titan with golden armor. He is Thanos.

He and his Black Order came to Planet Vegeta to meet with the king for a small negotiation. While talking to him, he happens to see me, as I hid behind my father's leg, scared by not only his demeanour, but his sheer power within him.

We were all ants to him, just barely matching up to some of the members of his Black Order. Thanos gave an ultimatum to the king, though I don't know what it was, before turning around to leave. Then, he looked at my father, as he asked about me.

I gained enough courage and walked up to him, easily towering over me. I was scared, but I managed to hid it as he kneels down and rubs my hair.

Thanos: Small and weak, but has the potential to become stronger than everyone here. What is your name, child?

Kakarot: K-K-Kakarot, sir.

Thanos: And quite a respectful one as well. Kind of surprising, considering everyone else of your race are just some bloodthirsty savages.

I was quite and shocked by that, as he walks away to leave our planet. As he leaves, happen to see a golden gauntlet on his left hand.

*Flashback ends*

Goku: At the time, I didn't know what that gauntlet was for. But know, considering what's going on and what has happened, I can say Thanos is hunting down the other Infinity Stones.

Pietro : And yet you said no Saiyan was near his level and they are just insects to him.

Goku: Just shows even we, as a race of power hungry, ape transforming species can't go near his level.

Redemption: Goku's Story (COMPLETED)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें