Chapter 18: The Old Age Ends And A New Begins

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(Y/n) = Your name

(F/c) = Favorite color

(H/c) = Hair color

(S/c) = Skin color

Third Person P.O.V

After the battle with Reiner, Hange made quick work of him by cutting off his arms and legs so that he wouldn't be able to transform into a Titan. While she did this, Connie was taking care of the injured Sasha as (Y/n) bandaged the injured Jean. Though, as he was doing this, Mikasa and Kurome kept pestering him on how he was doing and if he was alright.

Mikoto: "(Y/n), are you sure you're alright? Are you sure he didn't hold you too tightly?" she asked worriedly.

(Y/n) didn't say anything as he focused on bandaging Jean.

Mikasa: "(Y/-" she tried to say.

(Y/n): "I won't forgive you." he suddenly said.

Mikasa stopped talking as the other two just looked on with confusion as (Y/n) turned his head to Mikasa and looked at her with anger in his eyes.

(Y/n): "You were fully prepared to sacrifice yourself to save me... if Hange didn't show up... you would have died." he said as the anger faded.

He tried to keep talking but stopped as he looked away before sniffling. (Y/n) stood up and began limping over to Hange before stopping. He didn't say anything as he stared up to the sky.

(Y/n): "We already lost so many people... I tired of burying my friends and loved ones and seeing their gravestones." he said before he continued to make his way to Hange leaving her to bandage Jean.

As he got over to Hange, he noticed that she blindfolded Reiner before pulling out a metal case from his pocket. She turned it a bit as she carefully examined it as (Y/n) reached them.

Hange: "Reiner, what is this metal case you had in your left pocket? You were trying to get this out of your pocket up until we cut your arms and legs off. Does it contain a suicide pill? Or maybe a bomb?" she asked.

(Y/n) reached over to her and she gave him the metal container as he began to examine himself. He began fiddling around with it until he managed to get it open.

Reiner: "...a letter." he said weakly.

(Y/n) slowly opened the lid and saw the piece of paper inside it. He looked over to Hange and nodded his head in confirmation.

Hange: "What kind of letter?" she asked.

Reiner: "A letter from Ymir.... she asked me to... deliver it to Krista and (Y/n)." he revealed

(Y/n)'s eyes widened as he looked up to Reiner before slowly looking back down to the letter. A letter from Ymir? There seemed to be a glitter of joy in (Y/n)'s eyes as he reached down to pull out the letter only for Hange to grab his arm. He looked over to her as she shook her head.

Hange: "Later. We still don't know if the battle is over or if there are any enemies nearby. Just keep it safe for now." she told him.

He just stared at her for a moment before looking back at the letter. He quietly nodded his head as she removed her hand as she stood up. (Y/n) closed the case before putting it in his pocket.

Hange: "For now, I have a whole mountain of questions for you." she told him.

That was when Hange slowly pulled out her blade as aimed it at Reiner shocking Jean and (Y/n).

Hange: "But your lips seem to be sealed even more tightly than your armor. Are you going to tell us what we want to know?" she asked him.

Reiner: "" he told her.

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