Chapter 9: The Mask Cracks

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(Y/n) = Your name

(F/n) = Fake name

(F/c) = Favorite color

(H/c) = Hair color

(S/c) = Skin color

Third Person P.O.V

(Small timeskip brought to you by Eren talking to Mikasa and Armin and revealing the truth about (Y/n))

It has only been a day after the disaster of the Fifty-Seventh Expedition. (Y/n) has yet to awaken but was put under the command of Mike for the meantime. Erwin. Eren, and several other Survey Corps officers were being escorted by the Military Police to the capital and as evening begins, he arrived at the Stohess district with a line of Military Police soldiers lining up the main street, Annie was one of them. After the carriages passed her, she and the other Military Police officers began jogging after the carriages. As Annie jogged and passed the entrance of an alleyway, a hooded figured hidden in the alley stood there waiting for her. It was Armin with his dark cloak with the hood over his head.

Armin: "Annie!" he quietly yelled out to her.

She stopped as other Military Police soldiers passed her, once they passed, she turned around and jogged back to the alley. She went further in and made a turn where she saw Armin waiting for her much to her surprise.

Armin: "Hey. You're fitting in well with the Military Police." he said honestly but looked very nervous.

Annie: "Armin... what's with that look?" she asked.

Armin: "I disguised myself as a porter. The cloak can hide my Three-D Maneuver Gear. See?" he stated before lifting up his cloak to show her.

Annie: "What's going on?" she asked.

Armin: "Annie, would you assist me in letting Eren escape?" he asked.

Annie: "Escape to where? Where could you go inside these Walls after disobeying the King?" she asked pointing out the flaw of escaping.

Armin: "We'd just hide out of a while. We don't intend to go against the King head-on. It'll be reported as a rebellion by a portion of the Survey Corps. We need to buy time. Time to collect proof that could change the outcome of the court-martial. We will succeed." he said as if it was fact.

Annie: "Change the outcome? Does anything so convenient even exist? What's your evidence?" she asked.

Armin: "...sorry, but I can't say." he told her making her sigh.

Annie: "I'm sorry too, but I can't help you like this. Good luck with whatever you're doing." she told him before turning and to begin walking away.

Armin: "Annie! Please! They're gonna wind up executing Eren! Clueless people will push mankind down the path of extinction just for personal gain without even realizing it! I know my reasoning isn't all that convincing. But even so... gambling big is our only chance at this point! Of course, we'll do our utmost to avoid causing trouble for you. But to get through the security inside Wall Sina, we need insider help from the Military Police. We have no other choice." he announced.

Annie stopped and turned her head just enough to her eyes met Armin's eyes.

Annie: "Do I look like such a good person to you?" she asked,

Armin: ""Good person"? Well... I don't like that term. To me, it seems like the meaning of "good person" is really a person who's good to you. In that sense, I don't think any individual can be "good" in everyone's eyes. So if you don't help us. Then, in my eyes, you'd be a bad person." he stated.

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