Death's tatics

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"You're crazy Sophia! And I hate you!" Is the last words from Isaiah when he was alive.

Sophia fell as soon as Isaiah's lifeless body hit the ground.
"No!" Amelia screamed. She was mostly scared because she was next.
"Amelia, you HAVE to stay with me" Sophia said getting up.
"I can't, I have a curfew; I can't say death is after me!" Amelia said folding her arms.
"Then I'll come to your house, I can't lose anybody else Amelia" Sophia said with tears coming down. Despite her and Isaiah arguing before his death, they were still friends.
"The death of Mia drove him crazy" Abraham said going to sit down, he was in trauma; He never saw dead body before.
"Who's going to get the bodies?" Hannah said shifting her focus to Sophia; Soon after everyone looked at Sophia.
"I'm not picking up the dead bodies" Sophia said throwing up her hands.
"1..2..3 not it!" Screamed Elijah
"Not it!" Screamed Hannah and Abraham.
"Not it!" Screamed Amelia, she was indeed the last.
"I'm next though I can't risk anything" Amelia explained.
"She has a point, so who was before her?" Sophia said looking around. Abraham and Hannah both looked at each other.
"Rock paper scissors!" Suggested Elijah. Shortly after Mia's mom came back into the room after Isaiah died.
"Guys we have to inform Isaiah's parents about his death" Mia's mom said.
"We can call but they're probably sleep, it's night time anyway" Sophia responded.
"Oh shoot, I have to go home now!" Amelia said collecting her belongings. She then left without a word; Sophia then ran after her.
"We HAVE to stay together, I'm the only way you can be guaranteed safety. Sophia said while catching her breathe.
"No, my parents won't allow me to have company; Safety reasons. Amelia said.
"These are safety reasons!" Sophia responded quickly.
     Amelia kept walking she didn't want to get punished so she started to run. Sophia couldn't kept up. Sophia then started to panic
      "What am I going to do??" Sophia said struggling to breathe, she was thinking if she had another death on her hands.
    Meanwhile, when Amelia arrived home she decided to cook her something; she took out a knife and started to prepare it.
    She then stopped to look for her parents.
    "Wow all that build up just for them not to be here!" Amelia said furious.
   Then there was a loud BOOM. This boom made Amelia fall to the ground; the oven was on fire and spreading vastly. Amelia then tried to run but a something fell on her, she started to cry because she felt she was about to die.
     "Help me!" Amelia screamed loudly, nobody heard.
    When the fire was close to Amelia, Sophia slammed the door open.
     "Sophia!!" Amelia screamed out in terror.
    Sophia moved instantaneous, she grabbed Amelia's hand quickly. She then helped her up
     When they made it out, not two seconds had past and the house exploded and blew both of them into the grass.
    "Thank you so much!" Amelia said saying it multiple times.

To be continued...

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