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I can't wear like that duh!!

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I can't wear like that duh!!

But since i have to show off at my work and on my colleagues i have to wear it fine.

So i choose this

Since it was my first day at work i am gonna wear that is not black because half of my office clothes is black I'll just wear them at the next days of my work

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Since it was my first day at work i am gonna wear that is not black because half of my office clothes is black I'll just wear them at the next days of my work.

I take a bath and it took me one hour just to make sure i am clean and smells good.

My sister already send me the address and she said my boss was a bit naughty but it was kind though with that it makes me nervous.

I hailed a taxi and tell the driver the address.

30 minutes later...

I arrive at my office place but is it really an office of a company?

Why am i in a big house or mansion i guess??

Is this the office?

I walk to the front gate to ask the guards if am at the right place and they said i am what?? I am confused.

I was in deep thinking when someone talk.

"Hi mam are you the new personal secretary of sir?", the middle age woman ask based on her outfit she looks like an maid

But wait what??? Did i heard right????

"Uhm excuse me what did you said again? Personal secretary??", i ask in shock and she nodded


"This way mam sir was waiting for you so you can help him and discuss some things", the maid said and i nodded

Woah this so-called sir was incredible rich aren't he?

We arrive at the front of a big door and stopped there for a minute.

"Sir ms. secretary is already here", the maid said.

"Come in", a voice of a very familiar man said that came inside the room.

"You can now enter mam goodluck hwaiting!", the maid cheer up and leave.

As i enter i saw a big couch and some shelves with a lot of books so i decided to take a sit there and fix my outfit since my boss still not comes out.

But then someone clear his throat that gets my attention.

As i look where that came from my jaw literally drop.

Fangirl | Jinsoo (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now