Tallest Red x Reader Pocky +18

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Art Credit: this was actually drawn by me! it's not the greatest but i enjoy it nonetheless!

WARNING: Chapter contains body self-consciousness and self-belittling. I just have always struggled with not liking my body or the way I look and what I eat and this sort of talks about this, and hopefully this helps you embrace your body and your perfect imperfections. Some cursing! Also, SEXY TIME!! This is sexual intercourse and scenarios like that. I remind the readers to please be RESPECTFUL in the comments and to those who want to read this and if you are under 18, haha why are you here? If sex and sexual acts are not your thing please bypass this chapter! Thank you, and have fun!

NOTE: In this you are half human half Irken because I like writing like that! Thank you all for your support!!! Also, LONG CHAPTER.

Sweets and junk food alike was something (Y/N) knew was a extra package that came with Red.

It was the cutest thing seeing him eat sometimes.

There would be occasions where she and him would just bask in one another's presence and just nibble and sip on wonderful and fattening goodies. (Y/N) being half human could only enjoy so much since she would gain weight if she indulged too much on comfort food.

Red wanted her to eat and enjoy herself as much as she could, but sometimes it would take a little, persuading, to sway her opinion.

"Oh (Y/NNNNN)...." Red cooed, lounging comfortably on the couch as he gently shook a box of her favorite sweets toward her.

"Not a chance Red. I've already done enough snacking for today." (Y/N) spoke firmly, feeling her curled antennas twitch slightly in annoyance. She turned to face fully toward her lover with a pleading look.
"Baby, I love you to bits but you gotta stop with making me eat all this food. I'm half human, and the calories don't just burn away like it does with you." she felt like she was explaining for the billionth time, walking toward the couch to snuggle beside him. Red gave her a pout as he set the snack down to immediately envelope her into his arms. She was soft and warm against his skin, and he felt a low trill rumble out of his throat.

"As long as you're healthy, it doesn't matter to me what you put in your body. Just no drugs." he winked and (Y/N) felt her eyes roll.

"Oh honestly. What if I want to eat healthy?" she retorted, earning a smile from the taller Irken. Red leaned in to peck her neck and she froze at the touch, leaning into his lips.

"Then that's fine too. I just can't help but notice you've held yourself back from things you want to eat, recently."

"Oh come on! I just wanted to cut back a bit on the sweets, that's all." she tried persuading him, but Red wasn't having it. She didn't want to admit to him that she was worried about the extra pound or two she had gained after sometime not watching what she was eating. Being half Irken quickened her metabolism to a much higher extent, but she still had gained a lot of weight as a little girl from eating so much.

Ever since then, she was always self conscious about her body.

It had gotten worse when she met other Irken females for the very first time. They were all tall, slim, and practically flawless. Even the shorter Irken's were pretty thin in regards to the majority. (Y/N) unfortunately compared herself to them, with their flat chests to her curvy and soft one. Their androgynous body types compared to her very feminine one. Red himself was a very thin Irken which made the female worry that maybe one day he'd sought out another female.

Past her destructive thoughts, Red handed her one Pocky stick.


"Eat, please. I know for a fact that you're hungry." he murmured, and the female frowned. He was right. She was hungry, so the self control within her lowered its guard as she grabbed the Pocky from him. Taking a bite, she sighed happy.

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