Tallest Purple x Reader: Aftermath

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Art Credit: funkyneonguts


NOTE: Clear spoilers ahead, I just want to mention that in a rational and physically correct situation, the Tallest and the Massive flying straight into a big black hole would cause their untimely deaths. But this is Invader Zim, and most likely the scene was used for a gag, I'm going to put it out there that they somehow survived and this is the aftermath of that.

Purple let out a sharp hiss of pain as his arm was wrapped in a sterile white bandage. He watched the alien female who was tenderly taking care of him in slight suspicion and confusion.

He was scared.

Looking back at one of his larger wounds, he took noticed his purple colored blood that soaked through the thin material covering him and winced. He was hurting everywhere.

"I don't know what your ship had in mind," the stranger began, stopping her care to view her work and then to look up at the scared Irken leader.

"—but going straight into that black hole had to be by far the dumbest thing I've ever seen anyone do." her (e/c) glistened with such an intense stare, Purple began to feel even more nervous.

"Y-Yeah..." he mumbled poorly, finally hearing the scratchy sound that emanated from his throat. He let out a cough, and then suddenly thought of—

"R-Red. Where is Red??" he turned his head frantically, jerking his body in a way that left him crumpled back down, radiating in pain. The female stood up, holding him down with a worried expression etched on her features.
"Stop you idiot! You're gonna open your wounds again! Your friend is fine!!" she huffed out, feeling a sense of relief as he finally relaxed.

She nearly began to scold him again, until she took notice to the lavender colored tears that were threatening to fall from his eyes. (Y/N), the being who had saved the Massive from near total decimation looked at this fallen leader with great sympathy. She placed a gentle hand on his shoulder which was shaking slightly trying to hold in his crying. He looked up at her gaze and felt his nerves ease a bit more since she gazed so kindly toward him.

"Please...it's alright. Your friend is fine. The other tall Irken, I'm guessing?" she pulled away and turned to another area of the unfamiliar room that was hidden by a curtain. When she pulled it back it revealed his co-leader Red. He was unconscious, but clearly alive. Already wrapped up in bandages and braces he was hooked up to other machines that Purple couldn't even look at for too long without breaking down.

"W-Wait, our PAKs, what about o-our PAKs?" he had no clue why they weren't healing immediately thanks to the PAKs that all Irken had to protect them from injury. The female gave him another sympathetic look before pointing to a table stacked with—

"I'm assuming those are the things you were talking about? They were all broken and damaged. I had to remove them from both of you because of that." she explained, walking over to the male and taking a seat at the edge of the cot he was rested in.

Purple threw his head back. Not as afraid as before, he was a little agitated and still confused at this whole situation. Apart of his was upset with himself and Red for acting so foolish and entering that death trap so easily.

They didn't listen to their soldiers.

They didn't heed the warnings.

Usually when they did something silly or spontaneous it left no repercussions.

However now...

Purple was feeling this karma in physical pain as well as mental pain. He turned to the strange female.

"Who...who are you?" he asked, and she broke out in a wide smile. Purple found secretly that she looked very cute like that in comparison to her glaring at him, but he refrained from expressing that to her audibly. She pushed some strands of her hair back and she nodded.

"You can call me (Y/N)."

"(Y/N)...what is your species?"

"I am human." she frowned, looking at her arms to analyze what he saw in her that didn't seem human. Then she wondered if he'd never seen a human before this. Purple shook his head, propping his body up with his good arm.

"I don't understand. How do you know I'm Irken and about Irken anatomy if you're only a human?"

(Y/N) smiled, gazing down at her hands before looking back at him.
"I was taught by a wonderful Irken woman who raised me as her own. She crash landed on Earth and found me as a little one."


"Miyuki." (Y/N) answered with a gentle smile, and Purple nearly choked on air. Miyuki, meaning TALLEST Miyuki?? There was no way that she was talking about the same Irken. The entire Empire had witnessed her demise at Zim's claws and she was succeeded by Tallest Spork who had also died.

(Y/N) felt herself grin as she watched his confusion become more evident. Digging in her pocket, she handed him a worn but precious photo, clearing her of all doubt. It was a photo of her and Tallest Miyuki, embracing one another and smiling happily for the camera.

Purple looked at the photo in utter shock. He had remembered Tallest Miyuki looking solemn and she was always focused about tending to the colonies. But here, in this photo with (Y/N) as a little girl. She looked genuinely happy and free.

"W-Where is she now?"

"She's at our home on Earth. Usually she'd come with me on my voyages but with all the chaos going on in the planet she wanted to stay and help out some of our neighbors."

Purple gave her a look of disbelief. He now fully sat up and was looking at (Y/N) with such curiosity and interest. The female felt a little flushed being in this Irken's presence and being so focused on.

She remembered when she managed to drag the Massive out of the space hole with the power of her ship. It had nearly damaged all the circuiting and almost brought down her ship, but she was able to save them. Miyuki had explained to her the elites that surpassed her and Tallest Spork, and that they were in danger.

How she knew of this (Y/N) would never know, but she knew this Irken and the other unconscious Irken were very important.

Purple sighed, resting his head in his hands. His head was pounding.
"There's so much to take in...I—"

"Shh...it's alright." (Y/N) shushed him, picking his head up with her small hand. The male Irken felt his cheeks burn but he kept a cool face, or as cool as he could manage. She looked so gentle, and so benevolent.

"You need to focus on your health first. Now rest." she hummed, standing from her seated position and giving him a gentle nod. Purple slowly laid back down, still staring at her as she left the room through an automatic door. Her figure still radiated in his mind after she had left.

Purple sighed again, turning to look at the ceiling. Thinking about it, he did feel fatigue start to creep up at him and he let out a long yawn.

"She doesn't even know my name..."

Yet she cared for me this much.

Before the Irken could finally succumb to sleep he gave one last look to Red who was still unconscious. This view made his chest hurt so he turned his body to face the other wall. He slowly closed his eyes, wondering what would become of himself, the Empire, and if he could really trust (Y/N).

Then he slipped peacefully into slumber.

IZ Almighty Tallest x Reader Oneshots Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt