One Hundred Eighteen

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"This is so relaxing," Nicki smiled, looking out of the tinted windows on Meek's all black Cadillac truck.

They were at the beach, parked right at the beginning of the sand. Before they arrived, Meek had bought them ice cream to please his wife's cravings. So there Nicki sat with her bare feet in the seat, ice cream cup in hand, and a sprite tucked in her lap.

"You beautiful as shit, Nic," Meek said randomly.

Nicki blushed. "Thanks, hubby. You really know how to make me feel good."

"I'm serious," he chuckled. "You got a pretty ass face, baby girl. Give me a kiss."

She leaned over, pecking his lips. He smiled and grabbed her throat, pulling her back in. He pressed his lips against hers, then licked her bottom lip. She opened her mouth a little, letting him explore. After a few seconds, she pulled away and blushed again.

"Soft lips."

"Yours too," he told her.

She smiled, putting more ice cream in her mouth. Meek sat back a little, looking out at the ocean. He felt at peace. Just him and his wife enjoying the moment.

"Oh, I have something for you, Meek."

Nicki put her sprite on the floor and put her ice cream in the cup holder. Reaching into the backseat, she grabbed a bag and laughed as Meek slapped her ass.

"Here," she smiled, handing him a small gift bag.

"Oh shit, we giving gifts today?" He asked, smirking.

Nicki giggled. "Just open it."

Meek took the gift paper out and looked up as Nicki recorded him on her phone. He reached in, pulling something out.

"Okay, wait, before you look at it, hold it up and tell me what you think it is."

Meek held it up for the camera. "I'm not sure. It feels like clothes."

"Okay, look."

Meek looked down, seeing that he was holding a baby's onesie that read "Daddy's Little Princess". His eyes widened and his mouth dropped as he looked up. Nicki giggled. He reached into the bag, pulling out another pink one that said "I'm Cute, Mommy's Hot, Daddy's Lucky". Meek kept the grin on his face, looking up.

"Damn right, I'm lucky," he chuckled, making Nicki laughed.

He pulled out a pink pacifier and a gray one. Lastly, he pulled out ultrasound pictures with the baby's gender on it. He stared down at them, smiling. Nicki saw a few tears fall and she pouted. Turning the phone off, she leaned over, kissing him.

"Damn.. I'm really getting a baby girl," Meek chuckled as Nicki wiped his eyes.

She nodded. "Yeah, Meek. We're gonna have a little baby girl."

Meek wrapped his arms around Nicki, not saying much. He felt every emotion. With him being locked up during the birth of their twin daughters, he wanted nothing more than to be there for his unborn daughter's arrival.

"I love her already," he finally said, kissing Nicki's stomach.

Nicki smiled, rubbing his waves. "You're adorable, Meek."

Meek chuckled, rubbing her back. She kissed his forehead, then sat back in her seat. Rubbing her stomach, she yawned a little.

"Let's go home and take a nap. I'm so tired."

"Anything for you, baby."


Meek looked up, seeing Nicki walk out on the balcony in her robe. He blew smoke out if his nostrils as she sat on his lap.

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