One Hundred Ten

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Nicki walked through the gate with her headphones on. Her music played loudly as Meek led her to their first class seats. She sat down and Meek put their bags away. Strapping in, Nicki sat back and looked at Meek. He sat down and pecked her lips before strapping in, doing the same.

"You good?" He asked her.

She paused her music and took her headphones off, looking over at Meek. "Hm?"

"You good?" He repeated.

She nodded, smiling a little. He smiled and pecked her lips.

"Ard, we got a long ass flight ahead of us, so get some rest, baby," he told her.

She sat back and put her headphones back on, tuning everything out.


"Oh my goodness, Meek. Where are you taking me?" Nicki laughed, holding on to his arm tightly.

He laughed, holding her waist, helping her walk to the dock. She wore a blindfold, thanks to Meek, so she couldn't see anything.

"Be patient, baby. We almost there."

"I hear water," she told him.

He chuckled, stopping at the edge of the dock.

"I'ma pick you up, ard? Hang on to me."

He picked her up and she giggled a little. Meek stepped down into the large boat. He placed Nicki in the seat beside him and then sat down. The person driving the boat started up the engine and tropical music played through the speakers.

"Oh my god, are we on a boat, Meek?" Nicki asked.

"Yes, baby," he laughed, seeing her smile.

She reached out, feeling around for his arm. Once she got ahold of him, she leaned her head on his shoulder.

"Can I look?"

"Nah, not yet. Keep the blindfold on, baby."

She pouted a little. "But Meeeeek. It's probably so pretty."

"It is, but that's gonna spoil ya surprise."

After a few minutes, they arrived at their destination. Meek helped Nicki out of the boat and they walked for a few seconds before Nicki heard keys jiggling. She then heard a door open and Meek led her inside.

"Mmm, it smells like flowers," she told him.

"You think so? I smell fruit," Meek laughed.

Nicki smiled, holding her hands out. "Come."

"Hold on, baby. The dude gotta bring our bags in."

Soon, a guy came in and sat there bags down. He smiled at Meek and handed him a flower to put in Nicki's hair.

"That is for your lady. You two have a wonderful time!"

He walked out and Meek stepped up to Nicki, putting the flower in her braids. She rubbed on his chest, giggling. He chuckled, leaning down to kiss her.

"Meeeek, where are we?" She giggled.

"You really want to know, baby?" He asked.

She smiled. "Yesss!"

"Ard, come on," he laughed.

He led her out of the door and stood there, holding her from behind. He admired the view they had before kissing the top of Nicki's head.

"Take ya blindfold off, baby."

"I'm nervous," she told him, laughing.

He chuckled, holding her a little tighter. "Take it off."

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