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Meek leaned against his car, licking his lips at the sight of Nicki walking towards him in her red dress and black thigh high heels. It hugged her curves perfectly and he had an amazing view of her beautiful face. Her short hair was styled into a cute bob and she had on gold hoops, diamond earrings up her ears in her other piercings, shiny gloss, and long lashes.

"You look good," he told her.

"Thank you," she smiled, standing in front of him.

She looked him over before smirking. He chuckled and moved over, opening the car door for her. She got inside and he closed the door. He jogged around to the drivers side and got in, starting the car.

"You finally decided to give me a chance?" He chuckled, driving off.

She laughed. "Yeah.. something like that. I think we're both gonna enjoy each other's time."

"Cool, cool."

They drove in silence for about ten minutes before Meek pulled into the parking lot of Japanese Steakhouse.

"Ooh, I love this place," Nicki smiled.

Meek got out and helped her out. They went inside and were immediately seated with menus.

"Tell me about yourself," Meek said, looking at her.

She laughed a little.

"Um.. there's really not much about me. I was born in Trinidad, moved to Canada for a few months when I was five, then moved to New York. I lived with my parents and my older sister, Olivia," Nicki said.

"Apparently I was the black sheep of the family. My father owns a few hospitals around town, my mother is a cardiologist, and Olivia is interning at your building to become a lawyer. Then there's me, the child who was always dancing when I could. My parents hated that. So.. they always held Olivia on a higher pedestal and gave her everything she wanted."

Meek shook his head. "That's fucked up. They shut you out just because you wanted to follow your dreams?"

"Yup. I remember for Olivia's sixteenth birthday, my mom took her to Bora Bora with a bunch of her friends and they got her a Range Rover. Olivia's birthday is in the summer so they put me in summer school and told me I couldn't go. Oh, and for my sixteenth, I got a cake from the Walmart bakery and a few cards with no money," she laughed.

"It's crazy how they tryna give all of their love to ya sister."

Nicki nodded. "Exactly. They just bought her a brand new BMW and even paid for her college tuition. They refused to pay for my dance school and told me if I want my own money, I'd have to get a job. I have no problem working, but it hurt me to see Olivia getting everything she wanted. She always took the easy way out. It's ridiculous."

"Fuck them. You gone go far with dancing. I'ma make sure of it," he told her.

"You're extremely sweet," she smiled.

He returned the warm smile with a wink. Soon, the waitress came to take their orders. Once they had taken their orders, she took the menus and walked off. Nicki looked at Meek.

"I think it's my turn to learn more about you."

"Ard, let's see," he said, sitting up. "I was born and raised in Philadelphia. Shit was rough, but I made every day count. Growing up, we didn't have much. My pops walked out on us when I was five. My sister loved to dance, but she was shy, so my mon forced her into dance classes. So during my teen years, my sister was in dance school and shit, but I dropped out of high school and sold dope."

Nicki's eyes widened. "Oh wow."

"I eventually had to go get my GED and make something of myself. So I went to law school for like a year, then the company was desperate enough to hire me. I still got a side hustle, but I keep that private."

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