I know it's simple yet, I don't have any clothes to wear, so I got no choice. Not all of my clothes are expensive and pretty. My clothes might look ugly and cheap for now but I promised that someday I can buy pretty, elegant and expensive clothes out of my hard work.

Putting some light make up, spraying my favorite perfume, wearing my sling bag and lastly wore my white rubber shoes. When I finished all of them, I immediately left my condominium unit and head to the mall where Jennie and I will meet.


"Omg, Jennie! No, I am not definitely gonna wear that!" I said, shaking my head and waving my hands numerous times in front of Jennie who is busy picking my office clothes.

Since it's my debt on her and since she's good at fashion, I let her choose them. But I am expecting a simple and decent one, not this kind-- sighed. I think I don't have the right to complain since she's only doing her job to help me. Maybe I should just trust her fashion sense.

"Why, unnie? This is an office outfit and this looks good on you. Just looking from afar, they all suits you." She said not looking at me because she was busy looking at the clothes on her hand.

I let out a heavy sighed. "Fine, just go and pick whatever you want me to wear since you're lending me a money to pay this." I tried my best not to roll my eyes when she giggles.

"Really, unnie? Omg, yes! hehe." She jump up and down out of excitement. I even saw her secretly took a glance on me before smiling cheekily. I shrugged my shoulder and sat down on the small bench. I'll just wait for her to finish.

Damn, Jennie. Your smile gives me goosebumps! Please don't tell me she's planning something very bad again. Aish.

2 hours have passed before Jennie finally finished going around the whole department with a pushing cart in front of her. 

My eyes immediately widens when I saw the cart. "My god, you picked a lot, Jennie! I can't pay them all!" I am shocked, the cart are almost full with the clothes she chose.

"Don't worry unnie the half of it was already my treat and you just have to pay the half okay unnie?", jennie said and ask i just nodded.

"Unnie its getting late i have to go goodluck on your work tomorrow", jennie said and smirk then wink on me. like what?? why was she acting that weird even my sister is weird too.

"Yeah yeah thanks a lot jendeukie take care bye loveyahh!!" I shouted back and wave on her.

How can i bring this all paper bags?this is so many my god jennie kim!!

I just hailed a taxi no choice it will be hard to ride on bus with this paper bags.

I was thinking can i do my job properly?will my colleagues and my boss bully me?

A lot of question is getting in my head.

I just came back to my senses when thw driver talk.

"Mam we are already here", he said.

"Oh mianhe here", I apologize and pay the fare.

After i pay the fare i get my shopping bags and get out of the taxi.

I enter on the elevator and press the 11th floor where my unit was.

The elevator reach the 11th floor and it's door opens.

So i start walking to my unit.

As i reach the front door i press the code to open the door.

Then i enter my unit it was small and simple.

I put all of the paper bags on the couch and arranged them all

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I put all of the paper bags on the couch and arranged them all.

I have no time to wash my clothes because my work will start tomorrow so i just put my sweet vanilla perfume on it.

Fangirl | Jinsoo (Editing)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt