Chapter Two

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The boy's hand moved smoothly along the paper as the soft music played in the background, he heard a knock on the door and hummed allowing the person to come in, the door creaked open and he had his back to it, but he knew who it was, 'it's a beautiful afternoon isn't it Simpson?', the older man let out a chuckle, 'it sure is Alex', he was quiet for a while, 'tell me what is it?', the boy didn't move his hand off the painting. 

'her majesty queen Sabrina asked me to call you for lunch', 'lunch isn't for another thirty minutes', 'we have visitors and she'd like for you to greet them too', 'isn't it Alana's job to kiss up to royals? I'm only a distant relative after all', Simpson let out a sigh as he sat next to the boy. 

'your parents are trying their best to give you a good life in here, just do them this favor', the boy finally turned his attention from the painting, staring right into the older man's eyes, 'they're giving me a good life by keeping me locked up and not even acknowledging that I'm their son?', 'this is a peace making visit, a suitor for Alana from a nearby kingdom, if she gets married and everything is stable they might let you leave, all you have to do is kiss up to some strangers who think they're better than everyone, you can finally live a better life son'. 

The young boy smiled as he placed the brush down, 'alright Simpson, I'm doing this for you, not for Lucius or Sabrina, just you', the man smiled as he stood up, he ruffled the boy's hair then walked towards the door, he stopped right before leaving and turned around, 'don't forget to clean up from the paint and change those clothes', the boy huffed and rolled his eyes, Simpson let out a soft laugh as he walked out closing the door behind him. 

The boy quickly collected his brushes putting them in a glass of water and rushing to his room, thankfully his bedroom and workshop were connected, so the trip to his room wasn't a maze like the rest of the castle, he washed his arms for a few minutes before the paint finally washed off, he headed to his closet and looked at himself in the large mirror, he thought he looked fine, he was wearing a baggy blue shirt and some baggy jeans, his hair looked like a curly bird nest but he didn't care. 

After taking a long look at the suit hanging in his closet, he shook his head and decided on staying in his clothes, he looked out of the window seeing a large car parking in front of the large doors, he cussed loudly then bolted out of the room and down the stairs to the hallway, he got there out of breath, no one paid him much attention, but he got a stern look from Simpson, he didn't know what part of not doing as asked it was for but he gave a sly smile, as he knew the elderly man couldn't be mad at him. 

The large doors opened and in walked a bunch of men dressed in suits, guards, and behind them two people dressed like they just came back from a royal ball, a king and his queen, everyone exchanged bows, and after them walked in a boy, looked to be around Alex's age, he was dressed a little more casually but still in a suit, Alex fought the urge not to roll his eyes, he noticed Alana's smile grow as she stared at the boy, he was definitely going to gag, they all shook hands and spoke in overly exaggerated posh accent, his mind wandered to when exactly it would be appropriate to leave. 

No one seemed to acknowledge his existence as most eyes were on Alana, who was also way too overdressed for lunch, as they all started heading for the dinning room, Alex walked in the back, a butler seemed to enter the castle carrying bags, he looked around for assistance, Alex rushed towards him, 'can I help you with those?', 'thank you sire, I was wondering where I should place the prince's items?', the boy raised an eyebrow, 'what items?', 'oh the prince is gonna be staying here so him and the princess get to know each other before they wed', Alex's annoyance only grew, all he needed was another royal in his face wherever he went in this hellhole. 

He felt a hand on his shoulder, he turned around to find Simpson, 'go to lunch, I've got this', his tone was sympathetic, almost wishing him luck, he sighed and walked towards dining room, as he walked in everyone was already seated so he just took a random seat at the large table, the foreign queen turned her attention to him, 'now who is this handsome young man?', he forced a smile as the attention was now on him, 'this is Alexander, he's a distant relative of mine, he's staying with us', he was getting uncomfortable with all this attention being focused on him, 'you know Harold, him and Lucy would be so adorable, Lucy is our daughter, maybe we should bring her with us next time we visit', 'it'd be my honor to meet her'. 

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