I felt as if the time has paused. Even the wind and the stars seemed to go speechless. The world went quiet.

It was too much to process at a time. Since I had just entered the game and it made no sense why Michael wanted me to be in his team. I was not pretty much good at anything nor I had discovered my powers yet and I didnt even had any clues for the game riddle.

Everyone looked at me for my response, even Ethan looked at me with all his attention.

"I.." I tried to form something out of my mouth but something stopped me. I saw a creature creeping out from the shadows. Michael saw it coming too. Everyone's eyes flared as they saw the creature exposing it's form.

We had forgotten it was midnight. The night of war.

It had scaly wings and it was a size of my grandfather's farm house truck. It's eyes glowed red and bright as it looked upon it's preys. It opened its mouth revealing it's sharp teeth and a long tongue dripping with grey acid melting down the marble floor.

Oh gods, it was ready to kill us all.

I took a step back but it was the low protective wall and if I went further away I would fall right down.

"Ethan call the Rhukins." I begged. It was the only idea I could think of. Atleast id rhukins where here we could all escape easily without bothering that creature.

"I can't." Said Ethan and panic started to engulf me. "They only fly before midnight."

I would gladly fight it but I had just learned how to hold a sword.

"Run!" Ethan said as the creature charged in this direction. The floor shook an shuddered as the creature shrieked.

It was enormous.

I ran but my legs were far to short to out run the creature and i turned back and saw its large grey claws reaching out for me.

"Lie down!" Shouted Michael. And all I followed his instruction and bent my body and closed my eyes. Then i heard a slash and a shreik.

I opened my eyes again and Michael was right upon the creatures back stabbing it's backbone with his Long dragon sword. Black viscous blood spilled out of its wounds.

It screeched and flipped its wings and shook Michael off and threw him on to the ground.

"Michael!" The girl gasped and ran for him as she blasted fire out of her hand burning the creature fiercely.

"Studpid girl!!" Ethan shouted at her. At first i did not comprehend his words but soon I new why.

The creatures red buring eyes shifted away from Michael and were again on me. Why was it so focused to me? What had i done?

I did not hesitate and surged for the tower door as quickly as i could but the door was blocked by the fallen rocks when it had roared.

"That clever creature" I whispered under my breath. My chest was buring with all that running and my legs were fatique. It hurt so much as if someone had poured acid over me. I couldn't move anymore. No, no, no

Only thing i could do was stare at the coming doom.

Its lowered it's face right at me, its tongue sliding out of it's mouth. Oh god, oh god.
From here i could feel the burning acidic gas on me as i inhaled more air.

I pulled my hands out to protect my self and closed my eyes. Please no.

Then something happened. I felt the earth shake. It wasn't because the creature was coming near me but because something was coming out from the ground.

I slowly opened my eyes i saw everyone from a distance, their eyes filled with astonishment and fear.

I craned my neck to see the light above me.
There was  a wall of light around the creature which was slowly moving inwards confining the creature. Then as it got smaller and smaller I could her the hissing sound of the creature burning with it's dreadful screech.

This light was familiar. It was the white light she had seen somewhere. Was is at the roses court? I tried to recall. And yes, it was Michael's light. The light he had used to kill the guy who was dying with pain from the poison. I remembered this pale white light. I could never forget.

I shifed my gaze towards Michael, our eyes met and my eyes filled with gratitude but his eyes were........rather confused.

I carefully shifted my weight to the left leg and tried to stand up but I fell on to the solid ground again.

"Don't move you'll hurt yourself." Michael was soon by my sided hurling me up the dusty ground.

I caught his hand and stood up and gazed into his sea green eyes again. "Thank you for saving me from that ugly thing." I smiled with all the power I had.

"It wasn't me." He said, his eyes arched as his face again filled with swirl of emotion and confusion.

"What do you mean it wasnt you?" I looked up my eye brows raised." You are the only one I saw who had that light, that pale white light."

"But I didn't comand it."

"What? Then who?"

"You." Ethan's voice immerged from my back. " It's you dumbass."

"I dont...." my voice trailed off. I hadn't discovered any of my power yet given by the gamers. It could be possible i got the same power as Michael.

"But it's impossible to get the same power as another participant. It's in the Law of the Games " Michael's eyes grew wide.

"Maybe I'm just some mistake." I whispered.

"The game does not work like that." Ethan's mouth was right next to my ears. Heat surged through my whole body like an electric shock.

"But I'm sure that the Game does not give same powers to different participants." Ethan continued studying the black circle burnt on the marble floor.

"Wait...." Michael looked at me and then to the girl next to him. "Amre can you give me your hand for a minute."

"It's not a romance time Michael." Amre chuckled and Michael just gave her a sharp glare.

"Okay, i get it." She handed her arm to him.

"Can you hold her?" Michael said gently touching my arm. I did as I was told and as my skin came in contact with Amre's hand I felt something electric passing into my hand.

It felt like as if power was surging into my body like as if i was being stuffed with something new, it felt hot whatever was being transfered in my body.

Then Amre suddenly took her hands off me. "For God's sake you are going to burn me."

I looked at her then to Michael and i felt power being released at the tip of my hands. There it was.

Red buring fire.

It was dancing on my fingers. My mind paused. Ethan's eyes wide and Amre clapsed her hands over her mouth.

"She can absorb and shift her powers to different ones...." Michael murmured with shock of new discovery.

"I have not seen anything like this in centuries." Ethan whispered. "Rina, you are probably a mistake in this game." He smiled. "A really good one."

Hello, guys thanks for reading till here! I am very very thankful that you came to read this:) you guys are just blessing to me.

I plz dont be silent♡♡☆☆

I really want to get to know my readers and of course I am very close to my participants as well

SO PLZ COMMENT AND VOTE. It is a strong encouragement for me!!! Plz help me continue writing.!♡ love u guys!

"For a Wish, a New begining and a Dead end"

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