After they had been running for a while.

Donghyuck frowned. He was fed up with the silly dominance Mark was trying to hold. If you knew Donghyuck well, you would know that he does not like when people try to assert a controlling attitude over him. He cannot endure it. So, he will begin to twist and turn the situation as much as he can until he is the one in charge. Predictably, Mark does not stand a chance, at this point in time.

It was strange, how Mark's mood could just be lifted that easily, with the most minimal effort that anyone could possibly ask for. As it can be remembered, he was miserable for a short amount of time when Donghyuck decided to leave the blooming question unanswered for a while. It must be the power that Donghyuck has on him, to change his mood swiftly. "You're a bully..." Donghyuck then whined when he became tired of all of this chasing business he had to do, currently Donghyuck was out of breath and slightly agitated - they had been playing this game of 'Catch-Mark' for absolute ages, they passed a shopping village and numerous housing estates, now; on a perpendicular hill, a weakness in Donghyuck was finally discovered, eventually it resurfaced. "Mark!" He no longer was competent of moving his legs; his shortness of breath and drumming chest grew overwhelming to an undeniable flaw.

"Donghyuck!" Mark roared back, playfully and silly; this was impartially showing in his tone of voice, he also appeared to be snickering like a giddy child. Even though he did not like the 'insert bad word' that Donghyuck bestowed onto his invisible personality and biography, he was starting to become it. Yes, a dumbass. Possibly, he even deserved another insulting name-

"You're not my boyfriend anymore." That lasted barely ten minutes, the relationship. However, Mark's reaction was priceless, unconditionally worthwhile.

"I'm sorry!" Mark promptly hurried down from the higher ground where he was once occupying with pride, trying to catch up with Donghyuck before the same Donghyuck decides to leave him in this international village because of how devastated he is. "We're both as bad as each other," He said after he received an expression from Donghyuck which could not be deciphered very well. It was not a very pleasant expression, in fact, it was grimacing and sneering, even Donghyuck's lip twitched. "I think you need to reevaluate your mistake,"

"My, mistake? Please, don't go on about how we are as bad as each other, because I am positive that you are the worst!" Donghyuck keened in a grumble like thunder.

"Later on you'll regret this." Mark was acting smug with that unfitting smirk etched right in front of Donghyuck, in a bad way, it made Donghyuck feel uneasy, so to put his uneasiness across, Donghyuck nudged Mark's shoulder for a more appropriate reason. "What? You will regret this, just telling the truth."

Eventually, Donghyuck sighed for the hundredth time during this date of theirs, kicking multiple pebbles until they scatter down the slope of the hill they were perched on, "This is supposed to be romantic and all you're doing is being bitchier than some people I know! Plus! You're a cocky a-s-s-h-o-l-e, therefore you're not my boyfriend anymore. Never-ever again! This should be documented as the worst date ever." Perhaps it was not the right time for Donghyuck to be using his childish voice because Mark was not taking him seriously, at this point though, would Mark ever take the younger one seriously? It would be awfully unexpected if he did, at least, that's how the young model thought about the situation.

"The baby boy is using big boy words... perhaps I should do something about this..."

"I can hear you! AND I AM NOT A BABY!" It appears Donghyuck is overflowing with flaming, burning, seething, inundating rage. Very uncommon, possibly even rare. The thunder cloud had turned into vicious lightning.

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